European wife made me PB&J

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Nothing like some crositinis with roasted peanut puree and a strawberry reduction

PB&J hors-d’oeurves style. That’s fancy. Probably served with a good wine.

When out of bread and all I have let are tortillas, I’ve been known to make pb&j burritos!

Croutons with peanut pate’ and fruit preserves…

European here – what did she do wrong?

That peanut butter looks strange.

Peanut butter looks like straight mustard

“European” – which country though? 😛

The fact that she is European and still mixed these ingredients together is already proof she loves you.

You know it pained her to make this.

As a child (European) I genuinely thought you were doing peanut butter and jelly like dessert jelly, gelatine jelly (jello?) in sandwiches, & it sounded interesting but like a lot of preparation. 

I only copped as late teens/early 20s when we made some homemade crab apple jelly (jam) & I was writing the labels, & it clicked! 

I think because the jam version was *always* said with the fruit like “crabapple jelly” whereas the dessert was “Jelly & X” or “X and jelly” which fit the phrase. 🤷‍♀️ 

My dad used to make us peanut butter & honey toast which was a hit.

What country is she from tho?

Your wife made your grown ass a pb&j , you better eat that and smile until the sun goes down 🤗

You eat that and count your lucky stars! She’s a keeper.


Diabolical she put jelly on like that

Listen , all of u listen up ! If your wife is kind enuf to make u anything , u say thank you and go back to the corner

Non American here, what’s wrong with this?

Peanut Basting & Jellumps is the Summer 2025 culinary trend we didn’t know we needed until today. 😋

Next time ask your American wife to make it.

Paynoot butteur anjelie

That looks really good

This is almost charcuterie

This is the most American bruschetta I have ever seen.

That’s so cute

This is pretty funny and kind of cute.

The peanut butter looks like Velveeta processed cheese type goop.

Has nobody else here ever toasted the bread (making the pb look ‘melted’) and eaten these suckers open-faced?

Its’a delicacy. I’m with the Eurowife here.

You say ‘European’ like Europe is a city or something…

Works for me

I’d eat the shit outta that.

Now make her a charcuterie plate: cheddar cheese, hot dogs, Ritz crackers.
Bon appetit!

It’s loss, ain’t it?

This doesn’t look bad to me honestly.

1.) That’s adorable. Treasure this kind of thing.

2.) Smooth peanut butter? Philistines!!

She is a keeper.

No she didn’t

Whatever peanut butter that is. I want no part of it.

So as someone who’s never had PB&J, can anyone tell me what’s wrong?

Well that’s definitely a better tasting bread not traditional but I’d be ok with it

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