Every CEO has a family, remember that.

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In fairness, CEOs should have thought about consequences of their actions as well.

When you exploit people unto death it shouldnโ€™t be a surprise when they start to come for you


Humanizing these people is how the working people lose.

Yeah, they had a family. Yeah, someone dying is objectively sad. But so did the MILLIONS that are regularly denied coverage and then in turn, die. Remember, UHC has a A.I algorithm that was denying people up to 90%. UHC in general has a 32% denial rate. Thatโ€™s abhorrent and downright disgusting.

Not everyone is a saint. And allot of people with money arenโ€™t good people. Iโ€™m sorry to burst peoples bubble, but THIS is how real change happens. And until we get the gallows for the rest of these psychos, theyโ€™ll continue to drive up the price on simple medical operations and procedures. Itโ€™s ridiculous.

We are entering French revolution territory. And Iโ€™m glad. Letโ€™s just hope we can find a way to not get another Napoleon.

Oh waitโ€ฆ

Sorry, I can no longer feel sorry for the real Dr.Evil people of the world.

Thoughts and copay

I have never wished death upon any man.

I will, however, read every CEO’s obituary with great satisfaction and pleasure.

Guess he should have thought about all those dead patients’ families. No real sympathy.

Fuck these people, he didnโ€™t get rich from saving people lives you can be dam sure about that.

Dude took it upon himself to become a real life Punisher. Can’t help but admire that.

All the people who died because his company denied their claims had families too.

is this satire? i can’t tell

i hate that satire is dead

Too bad this guy having a family did nothing to foster empathy in his own actions.

Sorry, just because an evil person got someone pregnant doesnโ€™t mean theyโ€™re a great person all of a sudden.

Sometimes people are held accountable for their actions. And sometimes CEO’s are also held accountable for their actions.

I know someone who is very distraught over this because he knew the guy through work and claims the guy was a โ€œgood manโ€ and that he genuinely caredโ€ฆ.. yeah needless to say, I should not be talking to my friend until heโ€™s over this because I give zero fucks about him. Denial rates only continued to increase under him since he became CEO in 2021. Thatโ€™s not the legacy of a โ€œgood manโ€ in my book. Fuck him.

Even his own granddaughter threw him down a shaft, family values am I right?

Thats right, end their entire bloodline!!!!


oh no… anyway

Nope. Not making me feel a damn thing for that POS

It’s nonsense. What *you* do defines who *you* are.

Oh you have kids!? Well, I hope they can live with the stain of your legacy.

Oh well. He victimized them, too.

Remember everyone, Hitler had family too, Mussolini had family too.

Won’t someone think of the tobacco lobbyists and Healthcare ceos

A family with the best healthcare corporate America can provide. Don’t forget that either.

*Puts on โ€œI really donโ€™t care, do U?โ€ jacket*

This particular CEOโ€™s wife had already moved out with the kids soโ€ฆ

I mean so was Osama.

Cant eat the rich without enjoying the food

Okay, and?

Majority of people who were denied insurance and have died also have a family…

boo hoo…. one billionaire who has blood on their hands was murdered. boo fucking hoo.

His net worth was north of 40 million. That could have bought a lot of chemotherapy. His family is going to be fine.

F u sweetheart and F every insurance executive in America I hope we see one assassinated every week

Lol very clever, I like it.

Somehow, Palpatine returned.

Theyโ€™ll all be millionaires. They are fine. Moving on

Yeah but so many people have one.

They choose to take personal profit over life

At least the kid wont have to worry about money, unlike alot of his victims

shut up

Stalin loved his daughter!

Hitler loved his dog!

Maybe a family member hired a hitman? Can’t rule it out, can ya?

Naw fuck him let him burn in hell greedy sob

Dude is a fake star wars fan…everyone knows Rey wasn’t born until approximately 15 ABY… So he was just a deadbeat dad at the time


Mmmm shame maybe the pos should have thought about all the families he’s ruined in the name of maximizing profits. But noooooo he’s the one who needs sympathy ๐Ÿ™„

So we should also feel sad that Hitler died? Because he was a human being and he was someone’s son?

Should we also feel this way about Dennis Rader? Or Gary Ridgway?

The loss of human life is always sad. But we can also celebrate when monsters are slain.

Pfft! So? He sure as hell didnโ€™t have any empathy towards the people he was responsible for killing, why the hell should I care? Letโ€™s French Revolution this bitch of a country, โ€˜bout fucking time people actually did something! If nothing else itโ€™ll at least terrify the other CEOs into watching their fucking step!

All the many, many dead and suffering patients had families too.

I’m going to suspect that the same people clutching their pearls over this, will ALSO tell us that Health Is Morality and when we get sick, it’s our fault for wasting resources! Note that when disabled people die, they’re silent.

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