Every child’s dream

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I guess the homework was about how adding bottom text in meme templates the correct way

Miss teacher face you forgot something. Some asshole

And the teachers pet remind the teacher 😭

Too real lmao

Top notch comedy

I had an english teacher that was the hippy of all hippies, didn’t own a tv, didn’t own a computer, didn’t use the internet, anything. So in the 7th grade, we had to write a paper on events that happened around the Renaissance so I copied a synopsis of Assassin’s creed 2 with some moderate edits so less plagiarism and no ancient alien magic. I got a 96%

You forget to add that one teachers pet that stayed up late working on the homework and telling the teacher that the class did indeed have homework

Everybody gangsta til they applying for the most diabolical fast food jobs with the most abusive and exploitative working conditions because they didn’t take school seriously in the slightest

I remind teacher about homework

You forgot then one where this one kid rises his hand to remind the teacher he forgot the homework.
I swear there is always the one.

and u hear a voice behind the back seats: Teacherrrgh there is a homework today! whenever u hear this u wanted to kill that person at all hahaah coz u dont even comprehend frivolous things in life u merely consider which person is menace at that time 🙂

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