Every country have to be like Denmark

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So be like Denmark, a tiny land mass of 16,639 sq. Mi vs 3,796,742 sq mi; with a non-diverse population of 5,982,117 mil Vs. 340,110,988 mil; who’s parliamentary monarchy government services are subsidized by big oil (it owns 20% shares of danish oil company Nordsofonden / 25% tax rate on oil companies / 52% tax on hydrocarbons)?

I have never understood how anybody could be opposed to free healthcare, free education and reduced working hours, without those things a country can’t maintain a healthy, skilled or productive population, which is just walking the slow march towards complete decline

Denmark has mandatory military service.

Denmark has an income tax rate of 40+%.

Denmark has a population of 6 million people.

Denmark has strict borders and immigration law.

Strict immigration laws are good and produce high trust societies, like Denmark, and other countries should embrace such an immigration model

Bro I’ve had enough of Americans talking about us in the last few days actually thank you very much. Can’t wait for everyone in the comments to be Denmark experts all of a sudden (half of what this meme says is wrong btw)

Denmark doesnt has statuory minimun wage, do you even fact check bro?, theres no law that says it has to be 25/hr, instead it reaches those prices organically, but is not the same across the country, people should learn that artificially raising wages wont make everyone wealthier, at worst it makes everyone poorer and at best you still keep the same purchasing power you had. Denmark doesnt has a set minimun wage that has to be paid by law and thats one of the reason why their system is extremely succesful but ignorant people who demand arbitrarily raising wages dont acknowlegde that.

So, monarchy, high majority white population, and strict, immigration laws? Got it.

>Every country have to be like Denmark

You mean racially and culturally homogenous?

Tax funded, not free.

After seeing posts like these I understand why Americans are largely perceived as ignorant.

I’m confused where’d u get 25$ min wage or where the graphic got it

Isn’t Finland the happiest country?

I love seeing the braindead Americans regurgitate excuses fed to them by their corporate overlords. Yes, America isn’t normal. Nearly every other developed country has at least one of these programs.

Anyone here from Denmark to confirm how is life there?

Denmark is also ridiculously capitalist and promotes free markets, and is rated one of the best places in the world to conduct business.

Be like Denmark.

Easier said than done. The scale of their country versus another country with 100x their population with different resources and culture, now how do you do that?

Has someone made a GenZ subreddit that ISNT filled with only Americans 😐

Okay but what are the drawbacks?

No country is perfect.

Don’t forget, they don’t spend as much on healthcare because they’re not 50% fatasses.


But they tax like half a person’s income

Denmark is also oil rich, of which it exports a lot. And they have a small population. And they practically don’t pay for a military, since the US protects them as members of NATO.

And even with all that, their taxes are still very high. Even for the middle and low classes.

So yeah, maybe Denmark isn’t the best model for countries like America to follow.

Denmark is the second happiest country in the world, after Finland, tho

me when I dick ride the danish:

We’re trying in America but people keep voting for regressionists like Trump

Denmark doesnt have minimum wage

Source: i live in denmark

Denmark also treats its Native Inuit population like crap. Recently they expelled an Inuit lawmaker for speaking in native Greenlandic and removed a child from her Greenlandic mother’s care because the mother only spoke Greenlandic and not Danish.

They have also separated Inuit children from their parents historically and forced sterilization on Inuit women.

So no. Don’t be like Denmark

Looks like Denmark is a big, malformed dick.

A simple Google search would tell you there is no nationally mandated minimum wage in Denmark.  Most people work 38-40 hours a week.  Owning a car is prohibitively expensive.  Anything you make over about $90,000 is taxed at 55%.  

Denmark is known as one of the most racist countries in Europe

There is no minimum wage set in Danemark and their work week is 37 hours.

[Denmark has no minimum wage](https://workplacedenmark.dk/working-conditions/pay-and-working-hours). I am not sure where the $25 number could come from.

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