Every damn time…

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If you take care of it, it’ll be gone in seven days. if you ignore it it’ll take a week.

this is the most relatable thing ever rn cause i’m on day 4 and hopefully on the tail end of it right now

When you are sick and don’t go to school: 😀

When you are sick and don’t go to work: 💀

And you try to gaslight yourself into not being sick, which of course never works.

Did everyone get sick at the same time or something?

Nah, my sore throat will go away in like 10 minutes as long as i drink like orange juice or something similar

God this happened a few months ago to me. Throat felt itchy at work, went home went to bed woke up with COVID. Shit sucked ass. Drank a whole bottle of NyQuil over the course of 3 days.

I got a scratchy throat Sunday night. Woke up Monday to a fever and full body aches. Went to the doc, had Flu-A. Got Tamiflu and slept all day Monday. Slept for 12 hours Monday night. Woke up Tuesday with just a cough and sore throat. I feel pretty lucky. Now I just have that damn lingering cough to deal with.

Death will feel better than sore throat

there goes my gym progress, my sick leave, my sanity and my will to live

Me two days ago. Only starting to feel better today but otherwise I’ve been like Voldemort under the bench in Harry’s dream.

Isn’t it wild how a scratchy throat can morph into a full-blown existential crisis? I swear, I go from denial to planning my funeral in a matter of hours.

Literally just had this happen yesterday. Drank some honey lemon tea in the evening, then proceeded to sleep for 19 hours. Now I’m sure sore everywhere and hella thirsty

Sucks ass because I know exactly who got me sick, some POS at work was sitting around hacking everywhere all day

Nielmed sinus rinse, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc are your friends.

Very relatable

Now picture this in April 2020…


Nah the night before when you know it’s coming cuz ur throat feels swollen<<<

Apple cider vinegar. 30 second gargle then swallow. Don’t rinse for 5 minutes. It’s gonna make you wanna puke but it knocks that shit right out. 2 treatments a day morning and night, gone in 48 hours.

I just haveee to see this right after my throat starts getting sore

Oh God.

Day 1: Scratchy throat

Day2: Difficulty swallowing

Day3: Painful throat and fever

Day4: Left nostril cold

Day5: Right nostril cold

Day6: Lots of boogers

I don’t understand? This meant like two days of hell and 12 days of being paid to not go back to work.

Masks are incredibly effective at preventing disease. I know someone that teaches young children and hasn’t been sick since she started wearing an N95 that fits at work.

r/Masks4All for anyone interested

when im sick it’s usually because someone infected me……..

Bro! Mine always happens before freakin bed! I’ll be close to getting ready for bed and then I’ll get a random sore throat and itch. Then literally the next day I will feel like absolute trash! Then I’ll end up getting fully sick. I just got over my sickness yesterday. I’ve been out of work for a week cause of it

For me that weird feeling in the interior of my nose.

Literally me 3 days ago. Currently dying

Fuckin’ around with this now. I hope anyone else in this boat good luck. I’m just trying to sleep through it when I can. 

Worst 10 days

coughing so violently that you end up vomiting, and you’re scared that your lungs will turn inside out

Hate when that happens, but It’s a part of life and i have to deal with it, gonna get better eventually

Salt water gargle gets it every time

Just went thru this. Holy crap.

Literally how I felt this morning

Into the thick of it right now 😭

No fucking way. Just no fucking way.

I literally woke up now with the throat pain. The timing of this meme is all too real lmao

Letss goo Software problem incoming……………..

Commenting with a sore throat, cold, cough & acute weakness right now.

That and when you wake up in a dry af room. My humidifier couldn’t save my throat even if it runs at max level

Fiber water elderberry tea

And luck honestly

Yeah, once you feel the sore throat, it’s too late to do anything but withstand the onslaught of terrible symptoms for the next two days. Be healthy, people!

I’d you have tonsils sometimes it’s Tonsil stones, they irritate the throat

That’s when you gotta choke down like 5 vitamin c tablets

I sneezed this morning and I am trying to be in denial about the slow creep of congestion. I have plans on saturday 🙁

Oh boy, I dont want any software damage again. You may cut my hands instead!

this happens everytime

Last time I woke up with a sore throat it turned out to be an abscess in my throat.

Flu b has given me the WORSTS sore throat, and I get strep biannually at minimum.

Hey, this way you only gotta work half the month. And you get your proteins

hahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahah 😐

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