Every house has a unique smell

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With that sudden anxiety of trying to figure out what my place smells like because I have to be nose blind to something too.

One time I had to go in this particular house that was being rented by some crackheads.

The floor was literally so covered with a layer of garbage that you just walked on it, and couldnโ€™t see through to the wood. They had like 6 dogs and cats that just pissed and shit anywhere, and it was then left. When the toilet had stopped working, they started just shitting in garbage bags and leaving them in the bathtub. Somebody had literally given birth in one room a few weeks before, and I could see exactly where because nothing had been cleaned up.

I canโ€™t even describe the smell, I legitimately almost threw up on the floor just from the stench. I thought after that I should have just done it, because they would never have noticed it anyways. And they **lived** in this place all the time, I cannot even imagine how.

Also this was *January* that I was there, in the middle of winter. I had to wonder what it must be like in July.

Ever forget to turn the air on and you get back home and everything smells hot

I came home once after vacation and my house smelled like fresh cat litter. I think it is because my cat likes to dig in the litter so he kicks up a lot of dust.

Iโ€™ve since switched cat litter and didnโ€™t smell after I came home from my Christmas trip.

I always ask my friends to tell me if my house smells weird as I donโ€™t have a strong sense of smell.

Prolly just the smell of their washing machine detergent

On the reverse side of this, I just got back from visiting family for the holidays. My parents haven’t had pets in close to a decade, but I have an Australian Shepherd, and my roommate has a large dog as well.

After five days staying with my parents, I walked back into my apartment and immediately went, “Damn, it smells like dogs in here.”

I manage foster homes and my current load is 112 homes. Smells…sometimes crazy but I get to love up on all the doggies

The bacon candle

[The smell of my best friend’s house. ](https://youtu.be/zejK1XHIDcI?si=-RtD1ZwxdwBQwGu-) From SNL.

Every pet owner I know.

This but with the smoke detector beep

My nightmare.. this is why i used to light incense all the time

Gotta have a good friend over once in a while that you can ask “does it smell overly of dogs and weed in here?”

Some smells are better than others

I always wonder if they forgot the house has windows that can open

Dog owners ๐Ÿคข

Silly git think his place dosnt have a smell too.

I lived with a chainsmoking alcoholic hoarder for years and when I finally left then went back to get something a month later, I realized the obscene stench that was there and I had barely noticed it before. By the time I came back, I found it absolutely disgusting. I still can’t believe I lived like that.

I think that every time I walk into my own house. It smells weird in here.

I’m afraid to ask but is there a way to know if your place has a “smell” because if you can’t smell your own funk then how do you know it’s possibly bad?

That’s why I keep a couple of those Gonzo odor absorbing bags around my house and in odor prone areas such as the kitchen, bedroom, and bathrooms.

I’ll leave town for a week long trip, long enough for my nose to “reset”, and come home and at most only detect the very faintest whiff of any smell.

Depressed people+Cats= an allergy attack upon entry. It’s hard to see people with multiple cats that they’re unable to keep up with and they’re noseblind to the rank scent.

Yeah, not all the smells are necessarily bad though. I remember taking a trip to stay with someone I really liked for a week. When I got home and opened up my suitcase to put stuff away I noticed all my clothes still smelled like their house, and for a while I just could bring myself to wash them and put them away, and every night I would grab a shirt or something and smell it and remember the time I spent with them. This lasted for like two weeks until all the clothes just smelt like my house again and I washed everything.

This is actually a survival thing Iโ€™m pretty sure. We get used to smells so they donโ€™t distract us. Same with sounds. But our eyes are continuously moving to prevent us from โ€œgetting used toโ€ what we see.

Great now I have anxiety, thanks

Just toured a house to buy… The owners said “The pets are out back and always locked up out there they say” The rancid smell of your whole house upon walking in says otherwise!

its cat piss. its always cat piss

I can’t figure out why, but my previous place smelled like lemon windex (we never used anything like that) and my new place smells like permanent markers. I only notice when I leave for several hours and come back.

Thatโ€™s why I like smoking inside, canโ€™t have a house smell if it just smells like tobacco/weed lmaoo

Sure. I went into the home of a friend of a friend, and it had an overwhelming stench of cat piss.

People get used to common smells. My high school job was at a local movie theater and I literally could not smell popcorn for years afterwards.

Residential maintenance techs have seen and smelled some wild stuff. If you know one ask them to tell you some horror stories.

Most houses smell ok, different but ok. But my one aunts house smelled so great and I don’t know why. It’s not that I especially liked her, she was no different form others, but the smell was fantastic and I would like to have that at home, too, but unfortunatly I have not.

i was told my apartment smells like new wallpaper. i live here like 12 years and never changed the wallpapers XD

If you want to be a real man get a roommate from one of the Viking countries that likes to ferment things and then eat fermented things. Dare you.

I got an HVAC oil diffuser for this reason. I have a 100 year old house and two dogs. Thereโ€™s no way it smelled good.

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