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Pizza boxes are not recyclable because they are considered food waste. To much grease and byproducts and residue on the boxes. They should be disposed of in trash.

Shows what you know.

Throwing greasy pizza boxes in the recycling has the potential to contaminate the rest of the cardboard in the cycleโ€ฆ very sad to say that itโ€™s best to throw those awayโ€ฆ unless your district tells you otherwise!

You’re wrong here though. As many have pointed out, grease stained boxes are NOT recyclable.

Waste Management person here. Pizza boxes go in the trash. Organic material (including grease) makes the boxes ineligible for reclamation. Your neighbor is right.

100% will not be recycled, right to the landfill like 75% of everything else we โ€œrecycleโ€

– Pizza box before a pizza goes in it = recyclable
– Pizza box after a pizza goes in it = garbage

The planet truly is doomed, as the average person has no idea what they are doing with even the most basic environmental actions.

Are we really policing other people garbage now?

Most companies put recycle logos for marketing purposes, and don’t actually care if it’s recyclable or not.

Yet, My recycling bin doesnโ€™t allow pizza boxes.

I just put in a firepit and burn it with the rest of the cardboard later

Our city has compost bins, thatโ€™s where they should go.

Recycling facilities overseas isnโ€™t even taking our recyclables any more

I put mine in yard debris as my district allows that.

I got a friend who’s mumma is into hoarding.
They got chocolate cardboard boxes at home from 1995 and they are empty.

โ€œCanโ€™t do thatโ€

also only 9% of shit you throw in the recycling bin gets actually recycled and 1.1% of that gets recycled at least twice. recycling is a scam to make people think they’re the problem and they need to fix the planet and distract them from the fact that the real pollution is created by big companies. don’t recycle, it’s a waste of time.

My town bans oil-stained pizza boxes

Him: “It all goes to the same place”

If its got grease its not recyclable anyway and the center themselves will trash it. I just rip off pieces if theyre truly free of oils and liquid and toss the rest.

No. These belong in the garbage. Even if you put them in the recycling bin they will send it to the landfill.
You canโ€™t recycle something that had food waste on it. Grease is a food waste

Every week feels like an episode of a reality show: “Extreme Garbage: Battle Edition.

Still a very funny use of the format though

I once found a whole ass fucking living room carpet in the glass bin. I hate this neighborhood

You can’t recycle food garbage

Depends on local recycling facilities. My local recycling will not take any food containers.

From the Earth, back to the Earth.

You thru your neighbors trash? Everyweek?

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