Every time

By c0bra_
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i used to work for a autistic guy who is a big share holder of a couple really big companies , the guy can’t even tie his shoe , but when it came to bussiness and stocks , that’s guy is a genius

I had to explain how to download Whatsapp to too many people who get enough money every month to fully fund my entire life

Someone got the dolphin photo without the text?

Ever been to r/computers lately? At least that guy’s asking how to do it.

Those in r/computers send some blurry, rotated photos with only half the content needed. And get upset if you state you’re not able to help them that way.

However, I totally understand your rant. How can it be that well paid employees can’t handle their tools?

Money is rarely about skill.

It’s about responsibility.

Imagine having such raw talent like op.

Shockingly knowing how to use teams isn’t a high paying skill. Who woulda thunk

How much money did you make by showing him how to share screen?

People really confuse what different job responsibilities mean.

To be fair, the knowledge on how to screen shares isn’t exactly relevant to many high paying jobs. It’s not exactly knowledge one needs to have.

To be fair though if it’s not something they need to do it’s not that surprising, i’m sure there’s loads of stuff they do know how to do easily that you don’t.

Screen share is not skill set

And then complain about how all the applicants are too unskilled

Sometimes I am reminded why Reddit posters are here posting memes instead of doing something else useful.

I mean it’s pretty silly to assume that everyone paid more than you should know everything. 

I work in cybersecurity.

You would find it funny how many absolutely stupid IT questions some of the most sophisticated computer scientists and engineers you will ever meet ask.

I remember when half the firm switched to Apple. The analysts we use for IOS/MAC OS had to have an entire seminar to teach everyone how to use it compared to Android.

The guy that builds houses from scratch probably thinks the same about a guy like you who probably cannot even lift a bucket of cement.

That’s correct. Being able to share a screen is not a highly paid skill.

If you want to make a good salary the only kind of intelligence that real matters is social intelligence.

Focused on the important stuff.

LPT: Be good at something other then knowing how to share a screen, shower, you know, basic stuff.

I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but I’ve never used screen share so I would be stumped at first too.

Stupid brain surgeons making several times my salary and not even knowing how to change a tire

Some people are better at some things and almost completely worthless at other things.

I always think this is a weird take. Granted, lots of people get inflated paychecks because of connections or cons. However, lacking a very specific skill—even a basic skill—doesn’t mean that the person is less qualified than someone who has that singular skill.

One doesn’t need to be good at everything to add value to a company, he just needs to be really good at something

Highly unlikely their salary anyhow depends on this skill.

Zoomers thinking that how to work Microsoft teams is the only skill you can bring to the table lol. Get a life

They aren’t paid to know zoom. Grow up.

Every time they do that, they should have to donate 1% of their salary to me. They’ll learn quick or I’ll get rich.

One of my supervisors called me over the other day to ask for help, saying he had deleted all the data in the excel sheet he was working on and needed help getting it back.

He had scrolled down to where it was all empty cells…

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