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Imagine if OP is hiding in plain sight, making memes about himself ๐Ÿค”

I know the CEO looking up at us ๐Ÿ™

When those companies say no to healthcare people die ! So live by the sword die by the sword.

His wife after is like โ€œWe have received many death threats!โ€ Yeah maybe your douche husband should have thought about WHY he was receiving so many death threats in his positionโ€ฆ swindling hundreds of thousands of people for 8.6 billion a fiscal quarter off of their well being and lives maaay have had something to do with that.

The mysterious stranger

I like how Iโ€™ve seen basically nobody upset about this. Itโ€™s just all jokes because we know health insurance companies are inherently evil.

The prior authorization for empathy was denied

I don’t personally support the death penalty, but that’s because you can’t trust a political system not to abuse the system, and innocent people WILL get caught up in this. But some people really do deserve getting banished to the shadow realm. I hope the shooter doesn’t get caught.

โ€œWe canโ€™t expect God to do all the workโ€ย 

Hey OP, try using hollow points next time. If it works on Bennyโ€™s bitch-ass, itโ€™ll work on them.

Peak content

It’s been frustrating watching the reaction to this. People know what the rich are doing to us, and even celebrate when someone murders one of the more heinous offenders. But here we all are, having our claims denied and electing someone who would expand insurance companies ability to deny claims to include *having an illness.* We’re so dysfunctional that we use the actual channel we have to affect change to fuck ourselves over then turn around and clap when someone commits murder. Society broke.

Oh no, the guy who made more money than any of us will see in our lifetimes by deny others of their necessary medical care died?!

Anyways, this one time my cousin was watching Kimball do his speech and out of nowhere Boone just took his head off from the back of the crowd. Shit was wild.

Quest Failed:

You have gained karma, for ruthlessly killing criminals!


Between the reaction to this. And the reaction to both the assassination of Shinzo Abe and the Titan Submersible Iโ€™ve noticed that there is a simmering and completely justified contempt for the rich fucks who rule our lives and that has lead to an impulse to show them the exact same callous disregard they show us when unfortunate things happen to us. Iโ€™ve been on this boat for a while now, but to see the average YouTube comment guy who is probably the dumbest person on the internet agree has genuinely been a surprise. Knowing dumb people, maybe itโ€™s for a completely different Qanon reason- but the mutual understanding of an existing problem is a start.

If Democrats leaned into this. Rather than consultant speak and policy wonkery then you might actually have a party that doesnโ€™t lose twice to a candidate as obviously damaged and incompetent as Trump.

My own boss hosted our stateโ€™s Republican governor once he was elected and donated money to him and lobbied for him to pass policy that would make our jobs easier. The governor took the bag and then turned around and took even more money from competing industries and passed laws that actually fucked us over to their benefit.

I take joy in knowing this happened to him. May many more blessings visit him in the future. In the immortal words of George Carlin.

โ€œItโ€™s a big club and you ainโ€™t in it.โ€

I really hope we get many more feelgood stories like this in the future

Well the US government sure as hell isn’t going to hold these people accountable, especially with Trump in office.

This should be the norm instead of school shootings

Hell yeah, one less pimple on the worldโ€™s butt

dude, that shit was probably paid by the next corrupt actor in that whole house of cards

You killed Tenpenny but now the Ghouls kill everyone and take over.

Hmmmmm OP?

Stone cold hit seem to hit different

I’m totally missing out. What happened?

Everybody liked that

“yay murder, murder is good yay”
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