Evidently, you did Nazi that coming.

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Has anyone actually seen Elon post that he didn’t do a nazi salute . ? I haven’t seen him say “it wasn’t that “

Lol, I’d be surprised if musk is smart enough to tie his own shoes. Dude just buys other people’s work with his daddy’s money and takes credit for it. What an abysmally moronic human being.. what else can you expect from a Nazi.

He’s literally admitting it people

Yes supporting the AFD Nazi party of Germany and doing Seig Heils does indeed mean your a Nazi. Do I even need to mention his grandparents were Nazis and he should be distancing himself as far as possible?

The most honest thing he’s ever said.

#none of this is funny.

Old Nazi *f*Elon says it’s gonna have to get hard? Yeah?

[FOR WHO? Please read this short story by Jack London](https://shortstoryamerica.com/pdf_classics/london_dream_of_debs.pdf)

Delete x, fb, ig, messenger and all your meta apps. Cancel your subscriptions and go to the library. Make some likeminded friends locally there for mutual aid.

Don’t comply in advance. Take your money out of banks and put into small local credit unions. If we all do this it will have a humongous impact. Changing your autopay and stuff sucks but it’s a lot easier than picking up a weapon.

Don’t buy anything you don’t have to buy. Buy used, trade, or barter if you can. Reevaluate what you really NEED.

Women need to boycott or sharply curtail spending in the beauty/fashion industry. Go natural and thrift. Trends are designed to keep us shopping. They’re designed for people who have money to burn. Our money is serving the oligarchs.

White men need to call out bigotry don’t let that shit slide. “Oh, it’s a ‘Roman Salute’? Go ahead and do it while I film.” Call out misogyny. They’re gonna be testing you. Don’t fail us.

And we all need to forget anything but the fact that the **obscenely wealthy of this country are trying to steal it from us, completely.** This is not left vs right. It is top vs bottom and all but **a thousand or so** of us are the BOTTOM.

#The greed of the wealthy is the cause of nearly every major problem in the United States: poor healthcare, high maternal/infant death rates, poor food access and quality, low wages, high rent, and high insurance costs that WON’T PAY WHEN YOU NEED IT.


They are following Project 2025 to the letter.

These are all collective actions we can take

Exactly right. Zionists and anti-Semites actually conspired to push Jews to move out of Europe to Palestine from the 20’s and 40’s. Zionists and their radical sects in British held Palestine actually saw the Holocaust as a massive boon to their cause. People escaping the Nazis into Palestine could then be radicalised and begin pushing the British out using terror tactics on soldiers and the local population, even though the British actually started supporting the formation of an Israeli state.

So is Netanyahu; they are not mutually exclusive… however, I prefer to call them all fascists, as it’s a broader term than Nazi.

Not as different as you may think.

Both support genocide

I mean, these days, is there a difference?

Zionism isnt in the interests of most jews and i wish more people realized this

Yes, and white supremacists support one way tickets to Africa. Israel is like a Nazis wet dream.

So is Benjamin Netanyahu

Let’s be clear. Being a Zionist and being a Nazi are not mutually exclusive. They both want to remove Judaism from the world either through conversion or murder. Sometimes both.

Well I’ll give Elon credit for one thing, his poor use of the English language definitely shows he’s at least not a Grammar Nazi.

Was Corella being a grammar NAZI?

Calling yourself a Zionist doesn’t make you one.

how is he a zionist?

Musk: I’m so desperate to feel something real 🤣😂 . I keep trying 🤣😅. No one wants to buy my stupid shit 🤣🤣🤣

Modern extremist Zionists are Nazis in all but ethnicity.

“Fascist” is where the venn diagram overlaps.

People act like Zionism and Judaism are joined at the hip, but Zionism was formed as a secular and political ideology, and in many cases actually clashes with Judaism and its teachings.

I honest thought they were one in same, really

Those two things aren’t mutually exclusive – Nazis wanted to be rid of Jews from their country, so them going to another continent satisfies that desire. Intentional or not, Zionism dovetails with Nazism

oh its pretty apparent as well

Yeah you are

At least he admits it.

No, no, “apparently” is fine. It is, indeed, very apparent.

I’m so tired of the weak ass attempt of redefining nazi as anti-jew (or especially anti-Israel). As if they didn’t go after LGBT people, disabled people, racial, religious and cultural minoritied, political enemies, etc, etc. These modern fascists are doing the exact same shit.


is he typing it weird? NA-tional ZI-onist seems the correct order

Zionist === nazis

Not native. I get there is a difference in the meaning of the words but can someone detail out why it’s funny? Thanks in advance

No, you’re a corpo-fascist, white nationalist, and a kind of neo-nazi if you will.

Def a zionist. You working for AIPAC now and you can’t do nothing about. You are their slave until they suck you dry.

Yeah, those two things are not mutually exclusive -_-

Maybe he’d know that if he actually researched anything he did.

Chinese American here. Nazi hated us Chinese. But funny how the “Nazi” side didn’t support gun control but the “non-Nazi” side did.

Something is wrong I just couldn’t figure out exactly what.

Quit making him relevant, ignore he exists

Mentally ill people do twisted things but remember even a turd can float for a while…. some black people are white supremacists

Those two items are not mutually exclusive

But he’s a genius.

Everyone forgets there was almost an Irgun/Nazi alliance against the British.

Zionist are the product of the Nazi .. they even made a deal before they invaded Palestine.

Well yes because they’re both the same thing. Zionist = nazi!

Zionism is NOT Judaism!

Easy to be both when they’re demonstrably the same thing

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