Evolution and climate change

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I honestly wonder how Chuck is still able to take himself seriously at this point

Hearing words like logic and science and facts coming from Conservative Christians! Is unlogical!!

History: Which side tries to ban teaching history they don’t like because it may make white people sad.

Principles: Which side put convicted felon in charge.

Ethics: Which sides tries to fund billionaires with cutting children cancer research just before Christmas?

Perspective: Which side tries to convince others they are prosecuted because some people sometimes say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”?

Remind me again which side has made an extremely emotionally charged cartoon videos of them murdering their fellow congresswoman, or which side tried to start a fucking insurrection, or which side just denies anything a journalist will ask them, or which refuses to do abortions and stem cell research because it will make god unhappy despite the fact that one our government is supposed to be secular, and two they still will do a bunch of other shit that would make god unhappy like neglect the poor and molest children, or the side that will suck the cock of every corporation that they can at a moments notice.

Every accusation etc etc.

Ah yes because “they’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats” is a totally unemotional and logical argument. Conservatives are highly emotional. 

Conservatism is an anti-science, anti-fact, anti-rational ideology.

Kirk is a lot of things, but I never thought he’d be this funny.

Republicans when talking about their god;
‘Yeah science can’t explain everything, therefore a Christian god only named 2000 years ago wile humans are existing for over 200.000 years, must exist’

Conservatives with ethics and values now thats funny af

Wow, now they are admitting that they have no feelings or emotions. I’ve always suspected.

Lmao, which side “feels” Trump can be an effective leader?, because there’s 4 years of history that proves otherwise

One of the most punchable faces in history.

Well Chuckles, in the universe the rest of us live in it turns out at least 85% of scientists and mathematicians are considered liberals. No, in the real world the right wing has precious little acquaintance with all those things you mention. Sounds like he is unfamiliar with the process of thinking.

Why do Conservatives constantly try to make themselves feel like lefties?

Conservatives are useless cretins. Luigi them all.

And has been shown to be a minority in ALL fields of Academia

Conservatives have no feelings or emotions? Sounds right. Such morality from the christians.

There is no way you can convince me that the republicans are the party of common sense

Not enough logic to understand that feelings and emotions are synonyms.

Repression is a coping mechanism, not the use of logic and reason.

Dunning Kruger in action right before our eyes

Let’s scroll back to see what their opinions on wearing a mask during covid was…


And vaccines, masks, abortion.

Charlie Kirk, the last bastion of the sciences and maths 😂

Kirk’s comment will look particularly insightful a few years from now after Musk, Kennedy and Trump dismantle centuries of progress in public health best practices causing huge numbers of tragic deaths from preventable causes.

Charlie Kirk is the butthole of the human race.

He’s an idiot. Republicans have long ignored science and facts

Their version of “logic” is really just overconfidence in their feelings

>Conservatives have: logic

Bro, you think there’s a magic man in the sky that’s gonna forgive all the shitty and divisive things you say.

i don’t see how science would be in Charlie’s vocab… i just do not see it

science is the opposite of religion

The truth is that it’s actually the opposite

1 word – vaccines

He’s 180° ass-backwards.

How simple a person must be to think that.

It is possible to possess a thing & yet have it unused or use it incorrectly.

I had to read that 3x just to make sure I was reading that correctly.

How is having feelings and emotion a bad thing ?

What is it opposites day everything Charlie stated is totally to the opposite of the right beliefs. Can we just stop engaging with the likes of these so called people. One day they will just fade away. Social media ruined this world. So sad 😞

They really do not live in the same reality

Makes me a bit sad as a Star Trek fan that this pubic louse has the last name of Kirk. ☹️

Lol just pure projection

Dear conservatives, Every accusation is a confession. It’s called projection, it’s a well documented phenomenon.

Nobody has more feelings and less brains than right wingers.

the fact that this fucking comment has 9K reposts shows how many absolute morons walk among us.

MAGA is just the worst thing to happen to the US since…. dare i say it… (nah)

Anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, and radical Christian Nationalists are conservatives. WTF is Charlie Kirk even thinking about?

Not to mention the adulterer and felon they voted into office. So much for ethics and values. In fact, they really can’t claim to be “the party of family values” anymore.

History and facts for them is anecdotal bible stories

Science, Hunh? The Venn Diagram of Flat Earthers and Trump Voters is a circle.

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