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He did it all for the nookie.

Main character syndrome at its finest.

Fake: Anon was in a relationship

Gay: Anon is a guy

Imma pee in my own ass if I see another greentext.

We used to be a proper country god damnit.

If it was 6 months later, I would almost get it. But 8 fucking years???

I’m pretty sure it was just irony-shitposting from anon. Not real story

I love how even 4 chan users don’t use the R word (idk if I’m allowed to say it)

“hes now with a girl” implying they were in a gay relationship earlier lol

Fake : Mentally challenged
Real : Mentally absent
Gay : Anon has a ex-bf

Fake: anon is a girl

Gay: since he can’t be a girl, he must be a guy…who had a bf

nah 12 years younger is actually insane

fake: anon is actually a dude

gay: the “positive influence” he left was the lasting effects of getting bbc’d and how he cant hold it in anymore

Fake: anon is a woman

Gay: anon is jealous of hix ex bf

Lmao she’s offended a younger hotter woman saw the obvious value in this man when she didn’t.

Maybe they just mean dating someone 12 years younger than them. The exbf being 24 when the New gf was 12 is weird

Is there sub for this anon shit? I am kinda into it now

I think the why is referring to the new gf being 12 years younger because that’s an actual what the hell moment

Real: Anon is mentally challenged

Gay: Anon is a guy

Why did i say ”are you mentally challenged?” In a british accent.

Bait used to be believable

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