Exactly Right!!

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Places of worship are, in fact, not sacred. They should get *more* protests.

What about bible thumper assholes protesting at pride events?

If protests aren’t disruptive then there is no point in doing them. We need to disrupt and make those who oppress us feel uncomfortable. Change will never happen with polite quiet protests. Also we may be even past that point too. When mass protests are ignored, revolution becomes necessary.

Religion knows nothing of logic

Ahhh… So protest at their place of work I see

Please be so civil you accomplish nothing

Get in their fucking faces and make them uncomfortable. Fuck the high road. It got us here.

Religious shitheads are justified in their zeal because donations come from headlines and lawsuits.

Decent people will always be trampled upon.

And MTG can chase down a young Parkland HS shooting survivor??

Boomers like Bill are why the world sucks

*Westboro Baptist Church has entered the chat*👀

Westboro – attended Matthew Shepard’s FUNERAL to tell his family he’s going to hell.

Bill Kristol lost control a long time ago but is very much to blame for the current state of the GOP.

Fuck yourself Bill.

The constant stream of don’t protest in a way that will inconvenience anyone or force anyone to pay attention to you is seriously annoying. Might as well just comment on Reddit.

Normal double standard bs.

Basically, be ignorable.

Don’t forget at the cemeteries.

Those religious nuttos can get bent.

“We won’t treat you with civility, but please be civil towards me”

Remember, as Christian logic states, doing bad things in the name of the lord makes it a good thing!

Westboro Baptist Church enters the chat.

Talk about hypocrisy, they protest funerals for gods sake.

Protest wherever you have to force our country to do better.

Yeah I’m going to protest at the house of worship. You know why? Fuck’m that’s why.

Religion is bigoted at heart. I have no clue why I would have to respect that.

Rules don’t apply to them because they’re mandates by god. They’re not capable of understanding hypocrisy.

Be sure to tell that to ICE in a week and a half

Makes sense Bill.

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