Explain this to me like I am 5 please

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I think New York should be allowed to do congestion pricing. Letting 50 different states all try different things is a part of the American experiment!

If you’re honestly asking, I’ll try to walk through some of it if you can try to look at my responses without the bias attached to your image of trump. I’m republican, I know I have a bias, but I try to stay cognisant of it and critically examine anything I support…

King of New York/Manhattan is my guess, he’s been heavily involved in New York business and politics since before the 80s. During one of his rallies in New York last year, his son said “the king of New York is back to reclaim the city he built”. So, if you take things objectively, this is a simple and likely explanation. Of course we can’t know what he truly meant, but given the context and his history with the city, it makes sense.

He also never said there wouldn’t be another election, he was appealing to a specific religious group who notoriously was difficult to get to the polls. He said, get to the polls this one time and I’ll fix america so well, you won’t even have to think about needing to vote again (because things would be so good, it wouldn’t matter who’s in charge). Silly? Yes, of course, hyperbolic? Yes, of course. Did he mean he’d eliminate elections? No.

I won’t defend what he’s recently said about Ukraine or Zelensky other than by “start the war”, it’s my impression he *probably* meant “not negotiate better”, as he’s said that many many times and has remained consistent with that message. He shouldn’t have said it, either way, I object to him saying anything like it. Ukraine has shown tremendous resolve and have been fighting heroically, I have nothing but admiration and respect for them. Russia is unequivocally the bad guy, the aggressor and the one in the wrong, period.

He shouldn’t have said that quote about you’re not breaking the law if you’re saving your country. Reddit has been flooded with similar sentiment, but from the left, so if you object to him saying it, you’ll also have to look at the other side’s belief that they’d *also* be justified in doing the same thing. It’s easy to say it’s treasonous until you’re the one feeling justified in espousing it. HOWEVER, it’s unacceptable for him to tweet that without any further elaboration.

Trump has been around for quite a while now, and you are just now finding out he’s an internet troll?

First time here OP?

Manhattan had a toll system where drivers had to pay a fee if they drove in during business hours or on weekends.

Trump ended it. He is now gloating because that’s his style and he does a bit of self-aggrandizing.

Look, even Democrats are celebrating this. Stop fear-mongering because you don’t like Trump. You’re not going to get any support here for that nonsense.

> He said if he get elected there would not be another election.

A democrat hoax to scare lefties and sell subscriptions to leftie media. The quote [in context](https://rollcall.com/factbase/trump/transcript/donald-trump-speech-faith-freedom-coalition-conference-june-22-2024/):

> And Christians go to church, but **they don’t vote that much**. Do you know the power you have if you would vote? It wouldn’t even be — so, **you got to get out and vote, just this time. I don’t care — in four years, you don’t have to vote**, OK? In four years, don’t vote. I don’t care by that time, but we’ll have it all straightened out, so it’ll be much different. **Of course, then they’ll come in again, and they’ll ruin it. We’ll have to do this all over again. Then we’ll come back.** So, you have to go vote. Working side by side, we’re going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. We’re going to defend our values, and we’re going to make America great again.

Hi fellow conservatives, anyone else feeling concerned?

You my friend, need time away from the internet.

It seems consistent with Stephen Miller’s strategy, which is just “flood the zone”. Do too many things all at once so that the opposition can’t keep up, can’t file a lawsuit against everything, can’t keep up press coverage before he does next thing.

There’s some real “Art of War” strategy to keeping everyone distracted and going down rabbit holes after stories and events that normally would be legacy defining, weeks long political missteps.

Trump has done a really good thing here, and instead of having the libs try to make this sound like a bad idea, he tacked on some rage bait so you will all focus on that. Mission accomplished with you.

Trump is definitely the king of trolling Democrats.

He’s trolling because of the “Trump is not a King” signs at protests and online. Also “King of New York” is a pretty common expression.

Bro is tone policing a tweet

“Long live the king” is Boomer for “I did a good thing, yay me”. In modern English, this is equivalent to “I’m him”, “popping off”, “epic” and “hell yeah”.

trump said ““get out and vote, just this time”, adding that “you won’t have to do it any more. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.”

what he meant is that he’ll fix america so good that we won’t need to vote again. he never said he’s going to never have another election. please get off the internet and spend some time analyzing how you really feel about this country.


“Manhattan and all of New York is saved. Long live the king.”

New York, Manhattan = King

He loves NYC, he thought it was the best place in the world before the corruption, greed, and illegal immigration ruined it.

Lol dems are desperate to be victims. No, we are not a monarchy lmfao.

But please keep this pearl clutching up, he’s trolling the dems into extinction.

Seriously, the left has no sense of humor. He’s clearly trolling all the “he’s a dictator” folks who clutch their pearls incessantly

I’ll tell you what I see. My family, my house, my dog, I still go to the store. Still work (kinda, in hvac).

Just go live your life man. It’s not the end of the world cuz your side didn’t win..

Get off the hysteria team and just go live normally.

Manhattan, NY is king… ffs people are losers

It’s called trolling. The purpose is to make people like you go looney. Fight the urge, you’re going to be fine.

Just take a peek at OPs post history and it will explain a lot.


We do a little trolling

Go back to one of the 5,000 other liberal subreddits and stop brigading here.

Trump jokes around. If you aren’t triggered by him, he’s actually pretty funny.

You’re doing what unfunny people love to do, taking people joking around super literally when it’s obviously not serious. For people like that, Trump is an unending fountain of things to get upset about.

“LONG LIVE THE KING” to a trump voter = “He’s talking shit on the democrat elites in NY who forced regular people to pay tolls to use highways, and basically a middle finger to them because he’s the president.”

“LONG LIVE THE KING” to you, apparently = “Oh, see! This is how he’s going to tell everyone he’ll be the next hitler. THIS is the moment”

*”Look I know you all love to tell libs to suck it up there was nothing that happened when Biden won* ***except Jan 6th and even if that was Democrats*** *doing it trump pardoned them all so there’s that”*

-The amount of brainrot you must have to legitimately type out that set of words within the rest of the text of your post is astounding to me.

Ya just gotta know the inner workings of covfefe.

Don’t get your panties in a bunch

Remove the stick from your butt, and you won’t have a problem.

Snowflakes melt when trolled

Are you simple? This is Trump’s personality. Hes the content king. This made me bust out laughing knowing how you people in the left would react to it. And I love every minute of it.

The Left Can’t Meme

Wait till you see the gif he posted in 2024 about him being elected until the end of time lol.

> Look I know you all love to tell libs to suck it up there was nothing that happened when Biden won except Jan 6th and even if that was Democrats doing it trump pardoned them all so there’s that

How do you do fellow Conservatives!

What rock you been under?

How riled up are you right now?

Pretty riled up?

Like when that mean kid in the schoolyard teased you about your uncool corduroy pants your mom got you when stone washed jeans were the in thing?

Yeah that’s what’s happening.


How is this post upvoted so much? Brigading much?

This guy’s reddit post history is insane….

Oh well I don’t know, have any of you numbnuts ever heard of a joke? or a troll perhaps?

Why so angry over a joke my friend. Grab a beer (or a tea if you prefer) and take a moment to just sip it and relax.

We support Trump and his cleaning out the corruption, but I promise you if he or any one were to cancel the next election, our support would end. But for now, we aint tired of winning yet.

Please spend some time disconnected from the internet.

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