Eye Bank!

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They can always choose between yearly subscription or a one-time transaction. I am really generous when money is involved.

Evil version of Tony Stark did that in the comics, not for blindness exactly tho

I’m blind and I think that would be worth it.


i mean id pay…

look…according to a websearch, there are about 2.2 billion blind ppl in the world…a dollar per year for 1 person approx. 2.2 billion bucks a year (minus those with only minor vision impairment)….soooooooooooooo…i know what i will wish for now XD

EDIT: so turns out, it’s just 2.2 billion ppl with impaired vision. “only” 43 million are completely blind. Still profitable imo tho

Funny you would use a Iron Man meme given that he actually did something similiar once

Such an eye wash ๐Ÿ˜‚

Blind people feel like an awfully tiny userbase.

Cancer seems like a better severity to quantity quote.


Superior Eyeon man ahh bss

1$ a month from approx 43 mil people looks solid

Ahah so funny !



You want to see colors? Buy now our Battle Pass!

Do we get regional pricing?



Pay up

Dangerous way to live.

People already do this, eye glasses?

FYI he does this to daredevil

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I laughed too hard at this one lol

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The fact that they used Ironman here means they know the storyline ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

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