Facebook policy comic

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It took a minute but oh my god!

How all companies, throughout all times, seek shelter in the shade that best protects them

I heard they will incorporate community notes but that’s all I’ve heard. Which policy is this referring to? Not being sarcastic or snarky. Just would like to know what’s going on.

If you rearrange the letters in your display name it says “la la I rub in Uranus”

“what’s with the dig…Oh those aren’t dwarves!”

So clever!

At my company if you have a Facebook or are on social media at any high magnitude you automatically fail the ethics test. More and more companies are adopting this “resume bridge”.


Holy shit. Who is the artist?

Edit: The artist is Michael Kountouris and has been working as an editorial cartoonist in Greek newspapers since 1985, and currently works at Efimerida ton Syntakton. His cartoons are syndicated internationally by Cagle Cartoons.




It’s four F’s. I didn’t know it was going to come our like that.

Regardless of how you feel on the issues, this is a very well-done comic.

History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme. Anyone ever play Yahtzee? What do you think our odds are?


Reddit is the same shit. I’m convinced if I was a black transgender lesbian who identified as a dump truck this shithole website would IP ban me for inflammatory content

Ahhhh yes, fascists. Famous for their love of free speech… /s

I don’t get it? Are they salt mining in your head? What’s the joke?



What’s the best way to boycott Facebook? I rarely use it but is it better to keep your profile and just not engage or is it better to delete it.?

Amazing design, awful idea. Free speech = (bad political view I don’t like) is how fascism forms.

“Everyone I don’t like is a Nazi” strikes again.

Is this because of the last several years?

*Facebook allows more freedom of speech

*Reddit Autistic screeching

Nazism is when you can say bad wowds 🙁

Swastika core

DAE free speech naziism?

I bet this goes so hard if you’re stupid

/r/redditmoment is more like it

“Look out! Facebook is adopting free speech policies! That must mean it’s becoming a Nazi organization!”

Free speech is nazism?

Not having biased fact checkers is fascist? Lul

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