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Ffs.. I spat my coffee on the floor..lol

I’m really curious at this point, were monsters, witches and all from folklore modeled after caricatures of jews or were caricatures of jews made after monsters from folklore? Everyone seems to claim the former but with how old some of these myths are, I really feel it should be the latter.

I laughed at this way too hard 😂

Uuuh Im pretty Sure she shared her treats with the children because… You Know…making them fat so she can eat them?


She also tried to cook them
So yeah she did deserve it

I am pretty sure that there isn’t really a description of the witch to that effect in the story. But I will look into it.

PS: [I looked into it](https://www.hueber.de/media/36/Haensel.pdf)
In this version of the German story, the witch is only described as: stone old, ugly, bad and blind.
There are no Jewish stereotypes in the story itself. Those might be in the illustrations, but not in the text.

this isn’t r/facepalm it’s r/cursedcomments

She was going to eat those kids

That “oh. Oh no” part came out in captain holt’s voice from Brooklyn nine nine 


The brother Grimm’s fairytales are often quite grim indeed.


she was going to eat them? that is the central conceit of the story, that she was a cannibal.

Tbh it’s dark humor, kinda funny tbh.

Weren’t the Brothers Grimm German too?

Well she also ate children so

I thought about Elon getting ovened

If you watch the show called ‘Hunters’ on Amazon Prime, they kind of bring up this point in the first season.

*shower*thoughts huh

My friend recently recommended that I watch Disenchantment and them having German accents really makes this equally funnier and more awkward now😆
On a serious note, the issue with having stories where there is a monster or a group designated as “evil” is that it can easily be twisted into using it to designate a real life group as “the other” and further perpetrate stereotypes. I don’t know what way to address it is, I do think we need to be more careful with the stories we tell kids.

I don’t get it


Me as a german who knows this fairytale since his earliest childhood:

The witch literally wanted to eat them. Lol

How is this a facepalm. OP dumb


Look at the variety of bread Germany have. They Love Putting Shit in an oven.

Oh sweet Jesus

Wasn’t the witch trying to eat them though?

Where’s the facepalm, though?


It usually wasn’t Germans pushing people in the ovens though, they made the other prisoners do the dirty work

I don’t get it

Thats not a facepalm. Its just funny…

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