Family values

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Donald was the biggest turkey Elon could find to buy.

I’ve learned Republicans only pretend to have values.

They have none.

Doubt he could name half his kids lol

Father of the year, avoiding all of his children and family at Thanksgiving.

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Happy wives and children, then 🙂

He’s also an immigrant with a trans kid. They hate Elon, they just used him to buy the election.

Scumbags both

One of the only thing that gives me hope/satisfaction in the current grim political landscape is the inevitable Musk/Trump blowup. Both of them have Bond villian level egos. Can’t see them co-existing for four years.

He’s not an American, does he even give a shit about Thanksgiving?

Those 12 children were thankful.

Republican values

He’s never been involved in any stage of any of his kid’s lives. I thought he was carrying one around that he stole from Grimes like a prop recently. 

Everyone related to him ran away at the first chance they had. All he has is Donald, until he’s done with him too. 

Womp womp. 

What better way to spend Thanksgiving than with a man who openly brags about wanting to sleep with his daughter? 😛

And when this is pointed out to MAGA, they’ll say Drumpf and Elmo are “sacrifing their own time with their families for US! They’re heroes! *swoon*”

It’s amazing that he convinced 12 women to sleep with him. He is obviously the guy who won’t wear a condom. Poor kids having that guy for a father.

Don’t you mean Donald Trump had Thanksgiving with President Musk…?

Would be hard for Elmo to suck Don the Con’s Florida based mushroom cock from Texas …

You can’t just leave your hand puppet alone on the holidays

Well, Elonia is now the First Lady so it makes sense

Nauseating on so many levels.

Those kids are truly blessed.

Cause they all hate him 😂 I don’t blame them

Well there’s 12 happy children for you.

Trump is stupid enough to genuinely believe Musk is a very smart guy. Musk loves a fanboy with real power

Elon is a huge piece of shit.

That’s because he’ll populate but not be a father

Got to suck up, he’s about to be a trillion aire thanks to the gov contracts he will lock down.

Unstable investments need constant oversight.

Well, yeah, because they all hate him lol

Gotta stay close to that government teat

I could show this to my evangelical MAGA father in law, and he would just dismiss it outright.

He was filling in for Malaria since she spent it with her boyfriend.

Where else would you expect the First Lady to be?

12 invites he didnt receive

It’s his newest child.

Well it only makes sense that the First Lady spends Thanksgiving with the president.

If you were one of his kids would you want to spend any time at all with him?

Now they know how Eric feels

His daddy Putin was on FaceTime the whole day. Did musk really hook up with Jenner ewwwww

The kids where probably fine with that, he done what’s best for them.

From dating Amber Heard to now dating Donald Trump. He has a type.

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