Family won’t eat it cause they don’t want to get salmonella

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They should research where salmonella comes from. It’s not from the middle of a beautifully cooked prime cut…

Sorry your family is so stupid

More for you🤷

Lol, what?

Divorce the family. Devour the meat. Merry Xmas.

Find a new family.

They seriously think that? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Send me some

Sounds like they need some air fryer dinosaur chicken nuggies and a sippy cup of juice! Enjoy your delicious looking beef, sir! Merry Christmas

Im headed over consider me a new cousin

You need a new family. Please educate them as well. If they are scared of salmonella here there’s probably other the longs holding them back.

Ridiculous.. that’s not even salmon..

I’d say, “Hell yeah, more for me”

So many of the comments by people who have never had prime rib.

You don’t “cook it the way they like it”, you cook a whole prime rib.


More for you!

Your problem is your family. Invite me instead!

Your family is missing out on a stellar piece of meat! Their loss.

More leftovers for you!

Why in the world would there be salmonella? Make yourself some nice sammiches til ya eat it all.

Your family is dumb.

Looks perfect to me

Perfectly cooked. Your family is dumb.

Time to go out for a pack of smokes.

Throw them out on their asses

I’m pregnant and ate a piece that looked just like that tonight.

Just tell me when you want me to come over, I’m happy to catch salmonella from that beautiful prime rib

It’s important to understand that 95% of people on this planet really are incredibly dumb and make pretty much no effort to get any smarter.

Do they eat hamburgers or lunch meat? Ground beef is much more likely to have salmonella or listeria than cuts. And Boars Head just had a huge problem so bad they actually closed the plant down.

I made one last night my buddy asked if it was raw I laughed me and my son devoured most of it. He ended up eating it but you could see the concern on his face. 37 years old and had never had a rare prime rib? It was superb

That looks amazing good job

Sal Monella was a shortstop for the Brooklyn Dodgers back in the 50s.

I don’t understand the gatekeeping of meat, if you like it this way then cut some, eat it and let them keep cooking until it’s their liking. Let people enjoy food like they want.

That shits so pink it changed the white balance on my monitor

Time to become a family annihilator

Don’t ridicule them for preferring their meat more cooked…but surely make fun of them for thinking this is where salmonella comes from

U need a new family bro. If they’re really being picky, fry the slices a couple minutes on high heat in a pan with a bit of olive oil or butter.

They’re right, you need to immediately send that to my house for testing. If it’s positive, I’ll “dispose” of it.

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