Fantastic rebrand, sir.

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He’s much closer to Dr. Evil than Tony Stark.

genuine question, what is the verb form of “sending an x”? X-ing? It’s painfully obvious he had no clue what he was doing with the half assed rebrand

Is this real? There’s no way he’s actually that pathetic…

Even the compliment has an insult in it

“You tweet like the rest of us breath”

So he’s chronically online and does nothing useful all day every day?

this is genuinely fucking pathetic.

lol Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is a novel where the main character is written so that we question whether or not he himself is an android and what the difference is between a human with no empathy and an android with empathy.

Comparing himself to that novel is so on the nose it’s not funny – but I doubt he realise the comparison he’s making 😂

Real life Tony Stark? What a chud.

He is such a loser!

Tweeting made it to the OED.

That is every brand creator’s sweaty little wet dream. And Musk threw it away.

You tweet like the rest of us breathe is not a compliment.

And is going to co-head the department of government efficiency… Are we getting pranked by aliens? This all feels like a giant fucking prank.

If he wasn’t a billionaire, he’d be a virgin.

Kid won’t speak to him. Nuff said

This fucker is no Tony Stark.

Yeah, well, I still jerk off manually.

Holy insecurity.

Phoney Stark

I hate when people call him Tony stark. He’s a low rent justin hammer at best. Honestly that’s probably even a little insulting to hammer..

So… my conclusion is that he had to build electric sheep because he can’t fuck a real one…

What a fucking loser.

AI finally doing the jobs no human wants to do.

Guaranteed he manually released himself while reading this over and over again.

“you tweet like the rest of us breath” huhhhh…

That’s so pathetic. smfh

Just six days ago there was an article saying grok called him one of the most significant spreaders of misinformation

no real human can look at musk and not call him cringe incarnate

Tony Stark? This dumb shit isn’t even Justin Hammer.

He has children, so people fuck him, but he still has to turn to ai for compliments? That’s profoundly sad.

Dude masterbates to a cardboard cutout of himself before kissing himself goodnight..

I think he missed the entire fucking point of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. The electric animals were to placate the human population because the corporations destroyed the planet and all the animals died. Having an animal was a status symbol, but no one except the wealthiest people could afford a real one. Everyone else bought fake animals and pretended they were real to perpetuate the fiction of prosperity. Can’t fall behind the neighbors, after all.

Elon does not understand that he is not the hero of some sci-fi cyberpunk-noir thriller. He is the villain.

“Look at me I can make a robot to compliment me”

He sure couldn’t make kids that did

“the guy who dreams of electric sheep and actually makes them” he said, through a fucking AI, proving once again that his media literacy is absolute trash because Philip K. Dick’s tales are of the cautionary variety.

AI learns from user input and many people still say tweeting.

tweets like the rest of us breath?

you mean perpetually and without thought?

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