Fascist Barbie is in for a rude awakening…

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Canada should make a special arrival card for the Americans asking if they are or have any connection to known Russian, or Nazi Assets.

I stopped reading at Fascist Barbie, mainly from ROFL.

Brilliant! I think Fascist Barbie would be a hit with the MAGAt market.

Fed up American here, this is fantastic

Bitch comes out with a cake batter on her face for makeup. I could just imagine how goulish she looks without it.

Best account!

She has more Miss Piggy energy than Barbie.

And daily school shootings, crime out the ass, people hating each other, etc, etc. Why the hell would anyone want to be an American?

Damn! Brutal murder.

As an American I approve this message


Canada, I propose a Trade-Deal… we give you a Mango-Moron & Barbie-MAGA for a box of Tim Hortons???

Seriously. I’d do just about anything to become a Canadian citizen and get the fuck off of this sinking ship.

Whoa whoa whoa…. Barbie?? She’s blonde Mellisa McCarthy at best

She’s the White Power Press Secretary

Accurate assessment.👍

Does she remind anyone else of those Cabbage Patch dolls that got recalled because they would eat little girls hair, only all grown up? I swear, her mouth only moves in one direction, almost like she’s chewing cud while she’s talking

Oh ! Canada! 🇨🇦 Love from California.

Damn bimbo is like the C word in Canada whoa

This bitch wishes she was cute enough to be Skipper, let alone Barbie. She’s a potato faced fascist.

God, I wish I could be Canadian.

Imagine being as shitty a person as she is

I mean, let’s not insult women to make a point about fascist Barbie.

Her lips are so thin, even after the filler. I guess that happens when your smooch the butt of a dictator.


She doesn’t look like Barbie unless you hold a magnifying glass up to a Barbie in the sun.

Maybe Canadians decide that they live too long and want to lower their life expectancy to US levels?

Sounds like a valid MAGA reason

27 years old. Married to a 60 yr old multi millionaire.

Why the hell is she so confident Canada is going to be the 51st state? She sounds like a lunatic every time someone asks her about it

My only issue with this is that it’s an insult to Bimbos.

As someone living in the US I wouldn’t wish living here on my worst enemy.

Who is she?


Fascist Barbie 😂🤣


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