Father stole my college savings of five years and says I’m overreacting for wanting nothing to do with him

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Thats not even $50 worth of equipment. Drug addicts really believe their lies are convincing.

That is the dirtiest workstation I have seen in a while

Um, phone the police, you were just robbed by a drug addict.

He has access to your savings is a bad sign

Oh man, this is terrible. I’m so sorry.

It 100% went to drugs. That looks like e-waste.

Half of that just looks like it was found dumpster diving.

I’m sorry dude, that’s rough. Wanting nothing to do with him, if anything, is an under-reaction.

You’re reacting more than he expected. But you’re not overreacting.

Maybe tell him OK you’ll back down on that if he takes you to the shop be bought it from and showed you the proof of purchase

Man fuck that guy stealing his own kids future. What is wrong with people. Hopefully it doesn’t set you back too far man

That’s felony amounts of stealing. And life changing for the low and middle class. Call the police. Why wouldn’t you?

Police or rehab. Give him the ultimatum.

Thats not mildly infuriating thats extremely infuriating

Call the police

That’s theft

Yeah, that came from a dumpster. You are 100% in the right for cutting him out of your life. It’s tragic, but addicts who are so far down the hole they rob their family members need to do years of honest recovery work before they can be trusted. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

OP this isn’t mildly infuriating. This is just infuriating. You can’t let your dad just take your money for drugs.

Wow, crazy he tried to convince you, you were the bad person.

Hope you’re okay but time to stop trusting him.

It’s a good lesson to stay away from drugs if anything else as they make people do shitty things like that.

>not a good person for refusing to help him

You didn’t refuse, since you were never asked.

Congrats. You can now sue him or get the PC, etc to get your money back. Praise pawn shops.

(Btw. The setup is nasty ngl.)

that’s a crazy amount of dust on that keyboard.

I am so sorry for you dude. I hope you find a way to get it back


le police

unless your a minor, in which case get him arrested for drugs

My grandparents left me $40,000 to use for college, but I was told that it was to be given to me by my father because of some kind of technicality or some bullshit… (something to do with wills and whatnot, it was never explained to me.)

The dude told me that if I moved out of his house (I was 18 at the time, and he was being controlling) that I wouldn’t get my $40,000.

I looked him in the face, didn’t give a shit.
Never talked to him again. I went on to be homeless for the next 5 years living out of my car, simply because it was better living.

Found out he spent the $40,000 on a house payment but is now struggling in his own debt somehow. And I’m doing great currently. Still loving life. Still having great exciting adventures and experiences.

Focus on you my guy, they will get what they deserve, and there’s nothing you need to do about it.

Find the cancer, cut it out of your life, and focus on what you need to focus on.

Is your dad Frank Gallagher?

Kids in uk can have banks i think

Missed opportunity to become his drug dealer and buy a safe with the money

This picture is so depressing even without the story.

Bro… You’re dad must think you’re stupid, which is even a bigger fucking insult than robbing you.

None of that shit is even worth $20 combined..that shit looks like some techie kept boxes full of old tech from the 90s and decided he’d sell them on FB marketplace for $5 a box.

You gotta do something, man. I don’t know exactly what, maybe call the cops and take your dad to small claims court. I don’t know shit about the law, but if it were me I would’ve beat the shit out of my dad until he begged me to stop.

Sorry OP. I had a drug addict roommate who once stole my PlayStation and sold it. Luckily I had proof it was mine and was able to get it back from the pawnshop. Hope you can find a resolution.

If it’s over $1000 I’d go to court over it lol. It’s principle.

Why are you still in contact with him??

Brother, you’re in the wrong sub. It’s not mildly infuriating. If I were you, I would end up in the national news

There’s no way this is real. The amount of dust on that disgusting desk, there’s been no movement to disturb that for a long time.

Start a Go Fund me page

Call police as that is grand larceny

I’m pretty sure that with enough effort, I could get _paid_ to take a PC like that off someone’s hands.

Tell the police bro that shit isn’t normal 

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