Father voted for Trump, daughters refuse to speak with him.

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I like how the first half is ‘I’m a good father because I let them make their own choice’, and the second is ‘those dumb bitches’.

Father of the year material.

Gonna go on a limb there’s more to why they cut him out that just the vote.

“I let them vote as they wish.”

He has misunderstood.

They’re not cutting him off because they actually think his vote made a difference to the outcome.  

They’re cutting him off because of what it says about his beliefs more generally.  

Harris could have won by a landslide, and his Trump vote would still have shown him to be, well, a Trump voter.

it’s always moral to shun a nazi

“My daughters disagree with me. They must be mentally ill because they don’t think like me.”

What a schmuck.

Uh… you voted against their human rights and body autonomy. You are supposed to have your daughter’s backs not stab them in it.

Edit: spelling

The victimization is crazy. If Harris had won, pay for Twitter users would be whining about how libtards are rubbing it in their faces and ruining thanksgiving!

Three elections with the guy, Dad.  I can forgive people who voted for him the first time.  Stupid, but populism and propaganda are wildly powerful, maybe you got spun up in something.  I don’t like it, but if you regret it and work to undo it, whatever.

If you voted for him the second time, I already know we have nothing in common, but he lost, so in a way I’m kinda like… Fuck you and your opinion but at least we as a country can move on.

If you voted for him in this election, after we *already fucking got rid of him*,  there is no recourse: I’m fucking done with you and everything about you.  You represent everything I *hoped this* country *was moving away from*, you’re either okay with the harms he’s already done and has promised to do again, and there’s absolutely, positively, no way you can claim ignorance of even half of them.

Sorry, apparently I needed to get that out.

My parents have had the same complaint about me telling them about the consequences of their Tory vote. They seem incapable of understanding that they can vote as they wish, but their vote still has consequences and they are not free of those.

“I showed them who I was and they believed me.” 😭😭😭

He sounds exactly like someone I would not want to spend Thanksgiving with.

I let them vote as they wish.

Aren’t they lucky


“Because they believe my one vote harmed them or their rights in some way”.

*No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.*

My MIL feels the same way. And her husband. And her mother. There are millions of people out there saying “well MY vote didn’t change the outcome.” Yes, yes it did.

I am getting tired of the “it’s not worth losing friends or family over politics” bullshit. And “both parties are the same” bullshit. This isn’t about “politics”, at least not the politics we were raised with as Americans (Trump and the far right threaten the traditional American political order), and both parties are not the same.

Are the Dems somewhat corrupt? Yes. But, they at least believe in the political order our constitution has established throughout the years via the branches of Government. Republicans (especially due to Trumpism influence) straight up ignore the rules in an attempt to increase their power and subvert the Constitution.

This guy got what he deserved by voting against his daughters’ human rights.

Convince them they’re misled by Propaganda all while voting for Trump and the Russian Troll Machine?

“I knew my state would go Dems, but I still cast my vote to show support for taking away the bodily autonomy of my daughters. Damn, they’re rude.”

You have Freedumb of expression they have freedom of association …

Enjoy your lonely holiday 🤷‍♂️

The quote “I didn’t lose friends over politics; I lost friends over morals” comes to mind.

“I voted against your body autonomy, but you are so immature for being upset with me. How dare you!”

People like this think that elections and politics in general are equivalent to a sports game because they are privileged and don’t have anything on the line.

I believe he never tried to argue with them like I believe Diddy never bought baby oil.

Him making a post about it kinda validates his kids decision

The fucker just called his daughters mentally ill and he’s confused why they refuse to speak to him?

Hope he ends up lonely the rest of his life. He sounds like a big asshole.

Nice of him to *let* his adult daughters decide who to vote for on their own. Prince among men right here.

Hold on this dad is talking about voting based on propaganda? If he’s as delusional as he sounds, I congratulate the 2 daughters for cutting ties (at least for now). If this father cannot see that Harris wasn’t taking anyone’s rights away, but the person he voted for made it the core of their platform then he’s got some time to go sit and think about it some more.

All 3 should skip thanksgiving after that pompous whiny post

You let them vote as they wish, but you also told them that their rights and future doesn’t matter to you

Ow a live one, reel ‘m in boys.

Fuck your feelings.

May this man never see his daughters again. FYI YTA

The kids are alright, I hope that being three sisters make them stand stronger.

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