Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Families, Friends, Neighbors…

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Trump is a dad. That proves that dads can be gigantic pieces of shit.

No action movie villain has killed more fathers and daughters and caused more physical pain than the CEO who was adjusted.

That guy denied claims he was obligated to approve systematically and systematically and heartlessly orchestrated the death of many and the pain of many more.

Anybody who roots for Schwarzenegger in true lies Van Damme in whatever he does or Bruce Willis in die hard should be able to see the Justice in Luigi’s actions with their eyes.

One of my favorite action movies is the shooter with Mark Wahlberg, not my first choice in action hero but whatever.

Sometimes heroes just take out the trash and it looks like murder but it’s really pest extermination.

I guess only Trump is innocent until proven guilty to these rapist supporters. 

Every time they try and stress the humanity of Brian Thompson, someone else stresses the humanity of all the people his actions helped kill. Every time, it’s a valid retort.

Shouldn’t that explain why people see Luigi as a hero?

Imagine trying to defend Thompson and the ONLY good characteristic of his you can find is “he was a dad”.

“Did nothing to him”?  Wasn’t Mangione in considerable long-term pain because of healthcare denial by this CEO’s company?

The more the media tries to get me to like Brian Thompson, the more happy I feel he got his subscription to Life abruptly canceled

Why are influencers on the right trying to be divisive on this? Insurance companies fuck them too.

As someone else posted: you’re not supposed to deepthroat the boot

Luigi is smiling and laughing because everyone is acting exactly how he thought they would. The ruling class and Republicans prove Luigi is right every day.

man wait til they hear about my ideas for other multi-millionaires, billionaires, and anyone else who profits off of the suffering of the working class lol

I wonder if that CEO had any remorse when he decided to get a DUI and attempt to hit people with a car, in 2017.

Health insurance companies are breaking the social contract by doing everything in their power to avoid doing what we pay them for. Our own government is breaking the social contract by refusing to do anything to fix a broken system. People are needlessly suffering and dying because of this. You don’t get to talk about civility and how murder is bad when you were the one who broke the social contract. If we can’t fix the problem civilly then what options are left?

Keep smiling and holding your head high Luigi thank you for your sacrifice, the world is a slightly better place thanks to you. Many more will carry your torch.

Here’s my take since the day it happened: I don’t view Luigi as a hero or a villain. I simply don’t care.

On the one hand you have a heartless guy who clearly doesn’t lose any sleep over destroying a human life.

On the other hand you have the guy that murdered him.

And? Osama bin Laden had 19 children

he is and I’m tired of pretending he’s not

Personally, I think the claims of innocence or attempts to paint the guy as a victim get lost for me when it’s been established that UHC knowingly retained broken software that denied ~99% of claims. They knew about it, reviewed the situation, knew those claims should be taken care of and care provided…but decided that it was great for them because it was making them a ton more profit and the appeal rate was something like 0.02%, so it wasn’t causing them any fuss they weren’t happy to pay out of the other 99.98% they were banking. Y’know…as people were dying and suffering for lack of the healthcare UHC *should’ve* been providing them.

At that point, you’re not innocent, you’re just killing and tormenting a ton of innocent people with an added step in between.

He took the life of one man who caused thousands. Hate what he did all you want but what he did was a grain of sand to who he killed. Never forgot that fact. The man he killed picked money over lives. I disagree with what he did too but damn it what he did sure made the powers try everything to make this something it’s not.

It was my mom, my grandma, my dad, his dad, me,  it goes on and on and on. 

How many family members should I let be mercilessly murdered before its a thinkable option to kill someone? For me it was 2 

If we were all tied up in a house together and you were forced to watch your mama and nana wail in agony for years and then die in front of you. You would want blood too 

Imagine if BT wasn’t a dad, then he’d have no other redeemable qualities that make him a sympathetic figure

I’m curious where this outrage was for the daily school shooters in this country?

Any person that uses wokeness in their name or response I know they’re full of crap. They can’t even define what woke is. It’s just that they’re bootlickers who are also usually bigoted in some way as well. Dudes clearly a joke

I love to see him smiling. It would hurt me to see him depressed. Free Luigi

If 60% of men aged 15 and up are fathers and Brian Thompson’s company is responsible for the deaths of around 13,000 Americans a year out of the through claim denials out of the total 50k-60k Americans that die each year due to insurance claim denials then it would be somewhere around a 9/11’s worth of fathers every year.

I think what End Wokeness is trying to say is that you can commit any range of unconscionable, despicable acts that have devastating effects on innumerable people…

…if you have remorse about it.

*Thoughts and prayers* ladies and gents. *Thoughts and prayers*

As a father myself: One CEO down. This was a good start.

How do same people praise the soldiers as heroes but hate on this guy.
Both are doing the same thing, killing someone they deem to be a bad person.
The only difference is, Brian Thompson was killed fkr killing people, people in the middle east get killed for having oil.

Yep, that is my hero. Got a problem with that?

It’s kinda wild that the *ONLY* thing the media have to show he was a standup guy is that he was a dad. As if terrible people don’t go out to have children.

They’re desperately trying to humanize him from the image of corrupt CEO who makes his paycheck by denying healthcare for the sick and dying… the dui, the insider trading..

Is there actually nothing else they can find that is likable about the guy?!

My wife went through child birth without an epidural because of UHC and almost died with my daughter.

Luigi’s a fucking hero to me.

Isn’t their motto “people die all the time” as an answer to the school shooting issue to ignoring gun law safety ? Weird they’re taking this differently

The man was responsible for 68,000 deaths, all in the name of profit. Fuck him, disrespectfully 🙂


Its also kind of fucked that everyone acts as if he is 100% the shooter

The story so far has been: low res footage of perp was released and a couple days later someone called him in from a mcdonalds.

You mean to tell me that was the only call they got for a lookalike and they were this sure even though they basically have nothing?

My mother died about 8 years ago because her insurance wouldn’t cover her open heart surgery because it wasn’t an emergency yet… 1 week later, she had a massive heart attack right in front of me, 10 at the time, and my sister, 12… my dad tried giving compressions, and my grandmother, her mother, called the ambulances, but it was too late. I had to watch my mother die because her insurance didn’t want to pay out until she was already dead.

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