Favorite Successful Bad Actor?

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Man i cant believe this guys talking shit about shadow the hedgehog

Mila Jovovich. As Leeloo in 5th Element fit really well – odd and quirky. Her “baddass” roles are absolutely laughable to me, yet she keeps popping up

Good looks, vibes, turning up on time, doing your job and not being a dick gets you far in most industries.

He’s more an action star than an “actor” in the conventional sense, and he does it very, very well.

Was Arnold Schwarzenegger ever going to win an Oscar? No. But was he absolutely the perfect choice for terminator? Yes.

Nothing wrong with being a niche actor with a narrow focus.

No you don’t get it it’s because Keanu is reddit wholesome 100 big chungus everyone liked that

Na johnny is the best destroyer of capatalists there ever was

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He’s a fine actor so long as he isn’t trying for a British accent. I’ve never heard worse.


Same frown throughout his career

Idk, he nailed it as Johnny. Although I gotta say that CDPR didn’t let him do too much mobility and physical interactions due to being an Engram. But he did a good voice acting as well.


Choosing to apply all this criticism to Keanu when Dwayne “the Stone” Johnson exists is baffling

Uj/Idk man, i think Keanu has way more good roles than John wick and Neo.

He was good in My Own Private Idaho, Rivers Edge, Ted and Bill, Speed, Point Break, A Scanner Darkly.

Rj/ Cary Grant

Gal Gadot

Definitely a bad actor in the Levant region

That’s because he’s a bassist
Same applies for Jason Momoa and Kevin Bacon

Even if you don’t like his acting, all evidence points to him being a truly good dude in and out of the public eye, which does wonders for public opinion. Unironically one of my favorite roles he’s done is Johnny Silverhand cause I can tell he had a fuckin blast doing it.

I love keanu, but asking him to play anything outside of his daily routine is a stretch.

Keanu is the Anti-Jerk. People like him because he is damn near angelic. Not the best, but always trying his best. People love that because they aspire to be like that. He’s an actor that has most of the world in a para-social relationship with him, they love him because they WANT to be friends with him.

He might be a terrible actor from a technical point of view but he has something 95 percent of actors lack. Charisma. Hence being a movie star. Good and even great actors are a dime a dozen. Acting is not rocket science. It’s not a unique talent that only a a tiny amount of people possess. It’s probably the most saturated industry on the planet. Having magnetic screen presence though is not common and regardless of how “wooden” he might be there is no denying he is very watchable.

Breaking News: how not being an asshole endears you to people.


As much as I like Keanu, this is kind of accurate, he isn’t the best actor around, in fact he is pretty wooden.
And that’s why I think John Wick was such a massive success , him being wooden and quiet just works really well for the character.

And the directors (both pretty new at the time) probably wouldn’t have find a better actor that had : Huge name recognition , willing to spend that much time training and be as professional as Keanu.

It was really like a perfect match and it delivered one of the best action movies we’ve seen in almost a decade.

But him still getting a lot of works is also a credit to his personality and professionalism, look at Aaron Eckhart and Edward Norton, both much better actors than Keanu and you haven’t seen much of them over the last 10/15 years because they both are notoriously very difficult to work with.

“Separate art from artist” but reversed

/uj Good looks and vibes, sure, but mostly he’s an athletic stuntman who trains hard in martial arts for his roles. John Wick has some of the best fight scenes ever because of all the Judo, BJJ, and firearms training that he did, and he did all of that when he was 50-60 years old.

Edit: didn’t realize I was on a cj sub but I’m keeping this up cause I love those fucking movies

I agree with the OP about Keanu. He’s almost always the same character, that wooden, stiff, slightly confused guy, but his vibes are perfect, and I really love him in movies regardless. Actually, there was a movie where he was the bad guy, a redneck idiot, I think he nailed it. But the other bad actor for me is Angelina Jolie, and she definitely has no good vibes. Okay, she was unexpectedly good in Demona.

strange things are afoot at the circle k

acting is motion and emotion

Keanu excels at motion

lolling at 4chan acting like everybody else’s success is accidental

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