FBI cancels outreach to seniors

By aacool
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At least they made the reason clear.

You don’t want people knowing how to stop scammers, that’s America’s fastest growing industry

It’s a great day for Nigerian princes.

And with the closing of the CFPB Trump has created a Golden Age of Grifting. Everyone is free to lose their money to scams, shams and flimflams. It is a great time to be alive.

Hmm… I wonder why the government wouldn’t want its citizens to be able to protect themselves… 🤔

The nation, ‘cancelled’ itself last election day. 

It speaks loudly and clearly the ‘IGAF about you’ of the current administration.

Many more will occur.

I guess when the government itself is now a giant scam, what’s the point of worrying about anything else?

Helping seniors is too woke, everybody knows that

Its cancelled because the scammers are now working in our government

Someone should takeover this event and make the scam topics about Republican ideology

Government run by a Felon wants to stop people identifying felons. Hmm 🤔

Is this legit? Seems odd that feds would schedule an event on a federal holiday.

Why need training to avoid little scams when big scam is in full affect

The amount of elder scammers in the current white House makes those presentations against the interests of the white house.

Didn’t trump bitch about presidents who use executive ordees?

Some 19-year-old halfway in a K hole, looking through the federal budget at 3am, with Fortnite in another window:

“Why the fuck would the FBI need to reach old people? [Delete]”


Please help. It’s dark in here and Elon musk is yelling.

Glad they pointed the finger at the orange man. The most vulnerable community involved seniors should write Trump and thank him.

And verily, the leopards doth feast upon faces.

Well the GOP is a scam targeting seniors so this tracks lol

Why not say, Trumps executive order. You know Seniors will probably think Trump is going to fix this, and is just Gov corruption. They need to know it was him that signed it.

Is there a source on this anywhere? Feels newsworthy, but I’m not seeing it anywhere.

Is there a running list somewhere of things like this that have happened since the new administration has taken office?

The GOP is largest senior scam in the history of organized society.

And people still defend trump’s/elons government. They need to be stopped ASAP. Why are people afraid to stand up to a fat, ugly, out of shape, idoit president? Get it together America

An executive order from the same President who did a crypto pump and dump, you say?

Well, you have scammers in the lead of your country, so this makes perfect sense.

Trump is a senior targeting seniors.

As a fully aware and awake senior I am not in need of their seminar but i am certain their are millions that do so this is a sad day for them.

Better title. Executive order forces FBI to cancel senior outreach.

Heaven forbid the FBI take efforts to prevent major fraud crimes.

Fact check this, I myself can’t find anything about it. I’d like to learn more if anyone has any info.

Opening up another target demographic for crypto since they’ve already fleeced most everyone under 25.

That’s $10,000 saved! A few more of these we will be able to balance the budget in no time!

In case it helps – many banks offer courses like this for free to community groups. I used to need to hold 3-4 community financial education seminars each year as an individual branch manager. My typical focus was Fraud/Scam avoidance, and then First Time Home buyer or Credit Worthiness.

I cant speak for all organizations – but we were told that for the seminar to count towards our CRA requirements we could not be there trying to sell – so we generally did a quick introduction of the bank, but then avoided all specific products – only referring broadly to the product types that banks primarily carry. (In case anyone worries it just a big sales pitch for the bank)

Can someone tell me where this was? There are lots of false reports on both sides and I’d like to be able to see real data to confirm this is real. Lots of trolling and misdirected information done to make a political point.

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