Fck NO. Bet the person who invented this Day has a head flatter than my headboard.

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Nah – today is “meal prep your leftovers and put them in the freezer” day. If you have freezer space. 

We make those leftovers stretchhhhhhh. Thanksgiving meals all week!

My rule is:
Four days in fridge. Day five garbage.
Four months in freezer. Month five garbage.

Usually by day four most the leftovers are gone anyways and what’s left you are tired of eating.

They’re getting smarter.

My girl and I was straight up fat asses since Thursday. We ate all our leftovers and now dreading that I either have to cook again or order in smh.

I’d rather it be ‘National Make Something Delicious With Your Leftovers Holiday’

Wtf is a “leftover”? Don’t start what you can’t finish

Caption is trash, OP. Lol Sorry I couldn’t contain it.

Today is “ Pack that shit for lunch and make the whole break room jealous” day.


What even is that on the plate? Why did they “AI” the beans ‘n weenies?

Nov 29 is definitely too early. But by day 3-4 whatever is still left you clearly aren’t eating.

Big sweet potato wrote that. Big mac n cheese

When is mind your business day?


I agree with the OP. The big ass raccoon (aka trash panda) in my neighborhood is co-signing on this foolishness.

Man hell naw. Today was turkey gumbo day and it was faaaaantastic


The raccon probably:

Posted on Friday the 29th? Jeez. The only reason you’d need to throw out leftovers ONE DAY later is if you left them on the counter all day and night. No reason to throw away food that’s been in the fridge for a single day.

Only people who can’t cook do this

Buying one of those vacuum bag sealers is a great investment…


Today is “keep eating leftovers, they’re delicious” day

Big fast food out here tryna snipe me. Naw blood, I see you..

Nah, it’s freezer day 😂

Nah. Today is my favorite: dressing and gravy. After this,Thanksgiving leftovers are done.

Make a soup

Sooo you guys didn’t barely eat at thanksgiving then eat all the leftovers while getting drunk at home later that night?

Gonna boil my turkey down into stock and make soup with it.

I bust out the vacuum sealer and pack stuff away. Food is too expensive to just throw away.

You guys in the US seem to have any random thing for a “day”. Lol

Some of yall stretch them leftovers any other time of year why is thanksgiving so bad? Lol

But this is when the ham really pops?!?

George Carlin said “Leftovers make you feel good twice. you put them in the fridge and think wow, I’m saving food, then you throw them out a week later and think, wow, I’m not poisoning anyone”…something like that.

This reminds me of my old dumbass manager who told us

“When you move, just throw out your silverware and buy a new set, it’s not worth the effort”

Like…bitch…the fuck?!


Does no one understand what engagement bait is yet? Stop interacting with stupid shit like this.

A flat head?


Turkey bone soup got another week on it.

This is blasphemy; we call that Day-After Special.

The leftovers will let it be known if I somehow let them overstay their welcome. All of this calendar work is really not necessary.

You guys still have leftovers?

I give so much of mine away…

Racoons can’t type. It was probably speech to text


This title is odd. That is all.

Raccoon you say? Then there’s a typo in there, I checked by the big birch tree… “Every day is throw out your leftovers day, and don’t forget some fresh water for clean ups.

You’re not supposed to keep leftovers for more than three days refrigerated. (I do tho)

You don’t have to worry about the descendants of slaves. We know how to preserve food. It’s in our dna!

No lie sometimes I’ve seen a thanksgiving pie or two make it to the Christmas dinner spread! 🤣

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