felon in the white house…..

By etfvfva
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Elon existing in this world makes no sense

“Because that felon in the White House is but a domino in my plan of world domination, fren. Kek!” – Elon Musk


One set of standards for Trump and his MAGA adherents, another for Americans. 🙄

I really think billionaires and millionaires believe they’re above the law. He doesn’t consider trump a felon because only poor people can be felons.

Just realized felon is Elon with an F

If I could see a single fucking post on this sub without Elon Musk,

That would be nice


Elon seems like a Steve Bannon redux, only with a higher social profile. Remember that Rolling Stone cover of Trump sitting in Bannon’s lap; most of you probably don’t. One good thing about* Trump is he always seems to mute other super villains stealing his spotlight. Within a year, Bannon went from puppet master of the president to fringe look at me guy. Stop using X.

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Elon is a troll and should be treated as such.

A felon that has had no punishment or rehabilitation, who has not paid any of his debt to society, and continues to accrue more.

this comment section is definitely going to be an IQ test.

I doubt these 2 whiny bitches have had a real interaction with a regular person in years, but pretty sure the answer is repeated arrests for turnstile jumping.

It’s time to give all felons all their rights back.

To be fair, a lot of things probably do not make sense to him.

That’s one of the things that bothers me the most about the outcome of this election. I thought we had agreed as a society that crime was a bad thing. But clearly I had it all backwards. Like, who am I to say that the guy on the news who assaulted someone should go to jail? Seems like a prerequisite for a nomination to the incoming cabinet, if only he were better connected.

When I hear about a horrible crime now, part of me just shrugs. And that’s awful. It’s unfair to victims everywhere.

Been watching all the down votes. Didn’t realize there were so many musk simps on here.

Because it’s not the crime they care about, it’s the *control and punishment*.

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Tantrum in 3…2..1…

Basically says what our problem is. People are so energized about THE PROBLEM that they dont pay attention when it really matters.

MAGA/fox viewers are worried about a person that believes alternate pronouns are OK instead of actual harmful individuals. They voted for the problem.

Don’t worry. The next POTUS will be sworn in soon.

Ah ah ah it’s because they don’t agree with the conviction of the tangerine. If you don’t agree with it you can ignore it

That’s a mic-drop response right there

picking and choosing 😭

Another day, another felony 

The thing about crimes is you have to actually be convicted and sentenced. Haven’t seen a sentence yet, get over it. Sorry their pathetic attempts to get rid of him didn’t work and enjoy the next 4 years ☺️ 2nd biggest landslide in history!!

Perhaps because 11 invoices for legal services, 11 checks to pay those invoices, and 12 ledger entries bookkeeping those payments is a bit less of a violent risk than a guy with 2 stabbings already this week wielding a knife at you

i can’t say it enough times.

trump and his media fanclub got ahead of the entire felony thing by talking about “lawfare.” trump supporters are fully propagandized to think anything trump’s been charged with is illegitimate, a witch hunt, a politically motivated hit. THEY DON’T CARE.

These gotchas never work because the crux of the situation is that they don’t believe the charges against Trump. They feel like deep state agents falsified and constructed these charges without merit to remove him.

Is the other guy black? Because that’s your answer.

Also, 53 prior arrests does not necessarily mean they were convicted 53 times. But I guess, nepo baby Bill doesn’t care about that piece of information.

Fuck this dumb ass sub. Post some actual content thats not political.

Comparing clerical errors to violent crime isn’t the flex you think it is

Not for nothing, but arrests aren’t convictions.

Weird how it’s actually a misdemeanor if done intentionally which was way past the statute of limitations, so they linked it to his campaign and made it a felony ..just for the news headlines of felon ..typical fake news bullshit

Right, because something something busidiness records something… Is just like burning someone alive.

Making fun of him by posting shit from his website still enriches him. Stop riding his dick.

Well it’s because one was a political witch hunt that stretched a single misdemeanor into 34 felonies all relating to one payment. And the other is a history of violent crimes. Basic math if you ask me.

I didn’t know this subreddit was specifically for elon/trump.


Violent felons and white collar political felons aren’t the same?


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