“Female V is more popular”

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28% who chose a female V is a man to hava a relationship with judy.

That ass is a very convincing.. asset.

Ah yes here we go. The same argument we dig up every 6 months.


I chose Panam my first go around but now I think going no relationship makes more sense for the story

Who cares? Valarie & Vincent are equally great

Gender war bs??

In my racist app???

How dare you

No one seriously says Fem V is more popular with the playerbase. Of course more people played Male V – every game with an option to choose gender has the bloke coming out on top.

If it’s people saying they prefer Fem V, well that’s subjective and valid. Are people saying Fem V is more popular with the kind of people who hang around a Cyberpunk subreddit? Well who knows on that one.

What is it with people being so insecure about Male V? If it was the other way around and Male V got all the promo then there would be no controversy. Male V **did** get 90% of the promo before launch.

Post gets 11k upvotes but all comments roasting OP. Reddit is such a clown show.

Literally who cares.

Same thing happens on the Mass Effect subreddit. People assume that because FemShep was popular among them, she was the most played. Something like 75% played MaleShep in the original release and 66% on the Legendary Edition/remaster.

Why does anyone give a fuck about this

In my opinion I wished we could have romance anyone, no matter the gender.


Oh get over it. Nobody cares what V you played

What’s the point of posting this? You feeling insecure or something?

I dont care which is picked more. I just love the fact that everyone has the option to play as they like. If it was 99% female V, Id still be happy with the game I played as male V. I do not know why anyone would care what other people are doing in a single player game.

Give people options. Then everyone is a winner.

What do you expect when all you give are 4 options that are locked behind various criteria. Personally it if the game let me I would have chose Misty.

Dude this sub is becoming the Mass Effect sub now, why does it become a war of who is better. Am I the only one who swaps per play through?

This debacle is always pointless and I wish people would realize that both “Male V is the most played V” and “Female V is the more popular V” statements can co-exist (and do co-exist, in my opinion) And I’m strictly talking about the community/fandom side here, not about CDPR or the promotional material

I’m pretty sure the male protag is and will always be the most picked in every RPGs, simply cause the majority of players in the world are just folks buying and playing games after coming from work – they pick the default preset and just jump right into the game, they don’t care about customization and probably won’t ever post about it or share screenshots online. iirc cis males are still the majority of players; when you combine this with the fact that CP77 was mainly promoted with male V and with the classic “sexy female character being badass” that was probably crafted to attracts straight male players (the Bullet trailer) I don’t think it’s wrong to assume Cyberpunk 2077 was more popular with male players than female players (at least before and during the release!)

So yes, obviously Male V is the more played protag when it comes to the general playerbase data – but it takes a single look at any of the Cyberpunk communities online to see that Fem V is the “favorite” REGARDLESS of the player’s gender – Each social medias have its own huge virtual photography bubble, and every “known” VP have at least one fem V as their muse. The modding scene is also extremely fem v centric, which create this loop of “There is a new fem V mod > I take picture for it | People take pictures of fem V mod > so I create a fem V mod” (These two hobbies, virtual photography and modding, often goes hands in hands)

Regardless of people’s opinions, these two facts seems true – Male V is the most played and Female V is the most present in the creative communities – and… that’s just it, doesn’t mean one or the other is better or “matters” more 😅 I like this topic and find it interesting, but the “war” around it is plain dumb and frustrating

This sub is weirdly obsessed with trying to prove male V is better. I’ve only ever seen people praising him, so idk who they’re arguing with.

Please don’t make this another stupid talking point

This is a pretty old statistic, who knows if it’s true now.

Posts like this are why I unsubscribed from the Mass Effect subreddit–there were like 2-3 posts a week that got upvoted to the front about how Fem Shep either wasn’t popular, was overrated, or Male Shep was better.

damn is it that time of the week already.


This whole thread is weird as fuck. Is this sub usually like this?


These numbers are wrong. Mainly because the vast majority of players never played the game more than an hour and have no clue who Panam is.

Have to vent for a sec i dont get the hype about panam all to much cause i mean she is atractive ig but so are the other romance options and i mean i like her character but tbh the voice acting (IN MY OPINION) is like not as good as other characters

oh my fucking god are we third graders? who ever made this an argument? why are we still doing boy vs girl shit who cares the game is good both VAs are good for different reasons and obviously valerie is the better choice judy gang for life panam is nothing compared to my beauiful queen

I always play who fits the story the best. I chose Kassandra in ac odyssey for that reason (before it was canon). But for cyberpunk either V feels like they was suited for the story.

People really care about which V is more popular? Here I thought that people would just play the game multiple times with different characters. I play Female V as a street kid because I think she has more of that crazy voice and Male V as a corpo.

Choom it’s 2077 nobody cares who you play as

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This is a stat from 2021. It could be completely different after the big patches and Phantom Liberty bringing the base game back into the limelight.

Then there’s me simping over Judy while my wife plays a female V who only cares about Johnny and no one else 🤨

Different stats. Could be more female Vs don’t pursue relationships at all.

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I mean… last I saw you only need a male voice to romance Panam, so…

God doing this bullshit again both sides already hate each other enough. Cmon

Can I see additional stats? What’s the percentage that chose a relationship with judy? Or Kerry? Because I very much doubt that these percentages add up to 100.

I didn’t put up with Panam’s childish behavior , so my first few playthroughs I didn’t get to romance her

The first romance I got was Meredith and I definitely need to take a shower for that

Not really an indicator, considering you can’t really avoid meeting Panam and get an opportunity to flirt with her really early.
While for female V’s boyh options are easily missable: Judy can only be romanced after pretty long and clearly optional quest line, and cop can just be missed entirely if you don’t stumble into him while exploring and doing side quests.

I tried female V and couldn’t stand her voice when being sarcastic.

I feel like I’m the only one with no strong preference one way or another.

Honestly I like 3 of the 4 romances. Sorry Rivers you’re just not interesting. Kerry is cool though. Panam and Judy are top tier.

I like female v better but prefer male v’s romance options 🥲

I wonder if this is just Male V. Technically female V doesnt even get the choice. So you cant choose “not” to be in a relationship with her as female V.

How are the picture and title related?

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