Fight between bald eagle and Canada goose in Burlington bay. Very Symbolic

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Canadian geese don’t exactly represent us, btw. They’re more just like a horcrux where we store all our anger so that we can maintain being the polite and peaceful people that we are.

Fucks sake, even our geese are getting ticked off

Credit to the photographer Mervyn Sequiera

[Fight between bald eagle and Canada goose in Burlington bay ‘very symbolic,’ says photographer](

it’s a fight that should never happen. all because of one man.

It’s like in game of thrones when that stag and dire wolf killed each other…. Hopefully not same outcome.

Unless the eagle got a good strike before the fight started, my money is on the goose.


I’ve always found it funny that the bald eagle is the symbol of America. It’s far more populous in Canada. Really, the national bird of the U.S. should be the Turkey.

Aren’t there more eagles in Canada then there are in the USA…

Canada gooses are majestic! Barrel-chested!

So according to the person who took this picture (and a few others) the eagle tried several times to attack the goose, to which it did not back down. The eagle eventually gave up and left. All posturing.

Do not mess with a Cobra Chicken.

Eagle backed off.

If you’ve got a problem with the majestic Canadian Goose, you’ve got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.

Now find a picture of an eagle giving a bear a BJ. That too would be very symbolic.

remember this shit about canada and america should have never happened in the first place, the only reason this dumb shit is happening is cause of one cheeto dust looking mf

I always thought of bald eagles as majestic birds symbolizing the US. But I remember when my friend who was from Alaska told me how eagles up there are essentially just bigger pointier dumpster diving pigeons, and it feels all the more accurate.

Anyways I’m rooting for the goose.

Money on the goose.

Because they never come alone.

The virgin bald eagle vs. The chad Canada goose

The bald eagle is a glorified seagull.

I can’t make this up, but in May 2022, I was with a friend and we sparked up a joint on our walk (we’re Canadian, it’s cool). We got maybe 20-feet before the joint really hit and we sat on a bench watching the river. All of a sudden we saw a bald eagle being chased by a Canada goose.

We were both amazed at what we saw and my friend took video of it because it was just so bizarre to see. Now looking back on it, it just felt like an omen of what was to come.

You gots a problem with Canadas goose, you gots a problem with me. I suggest you let that one marinate.

I for one as a US citizen have nothing but love for my Canadian counterparts to the north. Sorry for all of this.

“I know ~~authors~~ animals that use subtext, and they’re all cowards!”

no political opinions on this one but that eagle would fuck that goose and its whole family in just a few moments. the eagle knows that the goose has a big ass beak and is just being a touch dramatic.

To be completely honest. This looks more cobra chicken harassing the random bystander that is within 5 miles of it.

*”..the only time an eagle walks is when it’s too full of shit to fly..”*

My money is on the goose. They are team players and look after each other.

Please don’t saddle bald eagles with a national association they didn’t in any way ask for.

Canadian geese do NOT fuck around.

I’m a total noob to photography, but this is a wonderfully taken photo. Given the backdrop of current events, this one’s an award winner for sure. Kudos to the photographer.


Go geese

I didn’t think this was an actual picture


My money’s on the eagle, but that’s a daft goose.

Leaving politics out of it for tonight. I’m done with news.

Cobra chicken kicks the eagle ass every day of the week…and if it somehow loses there are 20 more to back him up…

I’ll back the goose.

Whenever you see yanks representing themselves with the “majestic” bald eagle, remember that the best place to see eagles is at the dump.

Canadian geese ? No , those are called cobra chickens , do not mess with a cobra chickens

Geese stick together and fly in formation to help each other go the distance. Are fiercely protective of what’s theirs. And are just wonderful to watch and hang out with. Eagles eat garbage and steal the kills of other animals. Make the whiniest fucking noises and are dangerous to have around – very fitting

yeah well there are more bald eagles in canada than there are in the US.


Symbolic how

Bald eagles are shitty little eagles as far as eagles go

Look at this nature picture. Let’s politic it up.

The goose will get the better of it because it’ll squawk like nobodies business poop on everything get pissy then fly away before it gets hurt.

Psycho goose stomps 10/10.


That’s like maximum symbolic.

Who won?

Growing up and boating on Lake Erie around Put-in-Bay and Cedar Point right over the Canadian line we all know how this one ends.

That goose gonna have its way 100%.

“The Eagle, a powerful predator, fights alone and thinks he can take the goose easily, but becomes nervous as he becomes aware of several hundred honks starting to sound from somewhere behind him.”

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