Fighting fire with fire

By gornni
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never EVER trust HR. corrupt HR workers as much as you can or they will sympathize with their paychecks.

HR is useless for us peons. Only useful for the company.

Fuck HR

HR is there for one reason, to act like they care about employees, while collecting information on why the company can fire them.

Deposing Human Resources is a lot more effective.

HR has no interest in the welfare of a company’s employees. Always, always join a union. They are the only way to protect yourself from the bullshit C-suite sociopaths will try to pull to keep themselves in yachts and ivory backscratchers.

I want this shirt. HR is not here to help you. HR is supposed to help the company.

Man, I worked in a niche HR department that was actually there to help people. The first year I was like “duuude, this is an amazing job.” Then my boss changed – wasn’t a huge deal, but I liked her a lot and the new boss had 0 experience so I was the defacto leader of my tiny team. Then the idiots at the top of HR changed a major system that fucked up everyone’s pay and after a few months of being unable to actually help anyone, and drinking most days, I had to escape and got a lucky assist from a coworker on an adjacent team who felt the same.

All that to say, fuck HR.

Based 🫡

Wonder what this guy did?

I think in all the jobs I’ve had, I’ve had 1 shitty HR person.

I know what their role is and the moment I make it clear I know they serve the masters they are usually pretty easy to deal with.

Wait I’ve had 2 shitty HR people. Outta like 10

I can say that the HR department at my company is by far the worst I’ve ever seen. One of my employees was literally yelled at by the HR admin because she was trying to follow up on her FMLA status. We also wanted to conduct an employee satisfaction survey for our department, and HR wouldn’t let us do it. They only communicate to us through email and if we don’t have a clear understanding on a process, the HR director will send a mass email out to everyone basically bitching us out for not following her confusing rules that she refuses to explain in person.

HR is there to protect the employer not the employee and is trained to gaslight and lie to you.

I’ve never even worked at a company that had an HR department lol. Just sales jobs where if you fight it goes to the managers and if it’s serious enough then to the owners

Even though that’s not our department it’s named for what they think of employees in general “ Human Resources “, that’s what you are to them

I remember when I worked at Amazon. HR would rarely if ever help you fix issues with your time or answer questions. But the second you did something wrong…. 🚨🚨🚨🚨

I thought he was holding a roll of toilet paper, which somehow made it funnier. Like he was ready to take the streets for his cause.

HR is so disgusting


Deny HR , Depose HR

HR should be thought of in the same way as the priestly class during the ancien regime. Fuck ’em.

I got HR’d once for wearing a t-shirt remembering the disappeared during the Uruguayan dictatorship, next day went with a keffiyah

yeah this’ll go over really well LOL

Memes like this makes me sad the public (rightfully) views HR as bad. The by in large majority of hr sucks, but my mom is one of the very very few hr people that actively try to help the people under her and will advise them when the business she works for is doing illegal things to them. We’ve always said she’d be a better lawyer than HR person because of her attention to law details.

At my previous work place we referred to HR as “Syph Central” as those bitches would fuck anything with a pulse….. 🤮

This is so old

I don’t do what most of you probably think is “HR” — employee relations, that kind of thing — but I do report up to the head of HR. But man, this shirt is hilarious and I kinda want one.


I thought the HR department is already defunded, that’s why they’re so bad lol. The places I’ve worked at either had the owner as HR, the accountant as HR, or we cycled through HR people on a yearly basis. The HR department is always the first place people cheap out on

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Lemme guess: he said a racist joke then made the female coworkers uncomfortable, and now he’s blaming it on HR

so edgy

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