Figure it out man

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We evolved to wear clothes and hats to protect from the sun, and then we became intelligent enough to invent sunscreen and sun glasses. I’d say we evolved more than plenty lol

We did figure it out. We started making bread and lost our melanin

We evolved backwards

We are the aliens

Evolved in heavily forested and overcast regions where dark skin pigmentation wasn’t needed.

We have no idea how many could survive 14 minutes, 10 minutes, 3 minutes, 20 seconds, or any exposure at all to evolve to this tolerance.

History could be littered with our historical gelatinous ancestors!

There used to be a lot more trees and a lot more atmosphere, you’d be surprised how much a difference those two things made for us. Soon you wind hardly be able to go outside at all.

Black people:

My ancestors used to be black until the sun burned all the skin pigment out, now I have good credit

yeah it’s almost like we’re destroying the planet and atmosphere which would protect against much of the sun/space radiation or something

I mean we also evolved before we blasted a hole in the ozone layer in the latter half of the 20th century.

So yeah our uv resistance may not be optimal for what we gotta deal with now.

We are the result of an alien coming to earth and losing a bet with another alien

15 minutes?

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