[FIN] Jumbo Cactuar (WeeklyMTG First Look)

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It gets WHAT

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You know, it’s been a while since we got a big green creature that basically says “you win the game if your opponents leave this alone.” I was beginning to worry

“Why are you playing a rogues passage?” “…..no reason”

I’m going to enjoy Ink Shielding this.

Every time I see one of these I think it’s r/custommtg but no they’re real

This kills infinite life decks in arena, since it’s not possible to repeat a loop to get to 10000+ life without timing out

Just for clarification, this is regular sealed product and not in a precon?

This might be the greenest creature to ever green

equip the aetherspark for almost infinite loyalty counters

Standard legal babyyyyyyyy


[[sovreign Okinec ahau]]

This has more power when it attacks than most yugioh cards! How the turn tables.

It is rare to see a virtually vanilla creature that makes you want to brew a deck around it. I wonder if I can get this with ghoul caller gisa to make 1k zombies

Your reminder to run more removal, children 

*-Blocks using a 1/1 with Deathtouch-*

OK so hear me out:

Let this guy do his thing. Maybe kill a player.

Cast [[Rishkar’s Expertise]] or similar effect.

Die happy with whole library in hand.

If you can drop a 7 mana creature with no trample or haste and manage to get an unblocked attack off, in this standard meta, you absolutely deserve to win the game instantly.

Instakill with [[Fling]] or any similar effects

ITT: 1/3 people saying this is overpowered and Magic is over now; 1/3 people saying this is hilarious with Fling; and 1/3 people telling the first two groups that the card is bad. Truly the Timmy/Johnny/Spike trichotomy is real.

Am I the only one that finds it weird we are getting previews for a set coming out in June instead of Tarkir which comes out next month?

That said this card is hilarious, I love it.
I’d throw this in a deck just to see if I can catch someone out with it

Iirc, 9999 is the “damage cap” for final fantasy games. Its also the base damage for these cactus people and they appear in every fame. They are usually associated with some sort of puzzle to give you an interesting reward

The white player getting attacked with [[Swords to Plowshares]] in hand questioning if he’d rather just die Lol

Just to be clear: [[Body of Research]] already gives you a vanilla body with enough power to oneshot anybody, and [[Phage the untouchable]] and to a lesser extent [[Master of Cruelties]] (and other things like the tokens made by the ult of that one Vraska) already have player-deathtouch.
This thing isn’t anything we haven’t seen already, and it’s too janky to break anything.

I thought i was on the custom magic subreddit for a second. I can’t believe this is a real magic card.


Standard legal >:)

I need to give this guy lifelink. I don’t care what happens afterwards, I need to do it.

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Cactacalypse Now!

omg didn’t know Togemon’s dad was in this


This card is just a testament to how bad a card being a 7 drop with no immediate effect on the gamestate is.

New Against the Odds card just dropped!

I’m not a Final Fantasy or JRPG fan at all, but I’m really loving the card designs for this set so far.

That’s a [[Chandra’s Ignition]] target if I’ve ever seen one.

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[[Break Through the Line]] goes brrr


Oh, look! A [[Fling]] target!

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