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Hey, “Police Called” isn’t technically a no. You should follow up. Show them you have initiative!

I had an interview recently where, while leaving, I found myself putting out a small brush fire alongside the building

(didn’t get the role btw)

The police story please. Thank you.

2 remaining applications went to the void. Good ratio in my book

This gets better the longer I look at it

Similar to my job search lol; applications sent out: 0, accepted: 1 (cousin is owner)

Am I unable to count to 5? What happened to the 4th and 5th interview?

Police called? I sense a story here

this is the weirdest chart i’ve ever seen. how do you make this?

2 applications are AWOL?

Programmerhumor? How?

Not really programming. But remember, everyone, if you work really hard each day then maybe OP’s dad can get a new car.

Police guy: not rejected

Bruh where’s the other 2 interview, wait… ooooooh

5 interviews out of 6 applications? Suuuuuuure

Does your family adopt?


“Police called” = background check started?

You had to submit an application and do an interview to figure out that your dad is the owner of the company?

Five interviews off six applications is a hell of a hit rate, should have been lower for the meme.

This doesn’t add up

Thanks for my job, Dad!

Plot twist: they applied at a police station

You guys remember the story of that one guy that interviewed in a dog friendly office and stepped back without looking during an interview and (iirc) broke the spine of a tiny dog?

Congratulations on your new job as a policeman

Lance Stroll?


Are we just gonna ignore “police called”? Who called the cops on whom?

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