Find a different career

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Your only concerns as a doctor is how to best provide medical help to your patient. My job as a court employee is to provide the services of the court to all litigants in a fair, efficient and unbiased manner. You’re there to do your job and not judge people, you’re not a judge and even judges don’t care if you’re LGBTQ or not.

This student who clutches pearls at the thought of treating a gay patient is undoubtably the same sort of student who accuses *other* people of being sensitive, easily-offended snowflakes.

For real Student, fuck yourself off to a career that allows you to be anti social.

now if only we could get Pharmacists on that bandwagon.

Let’s pretend other people matter, whether or not we agree with them or fantasize we have a divinely gifted sense of purpose that entitles some of us to ignore others we don’t understand.

“Simple. Get the fuck out of my class.”

You will be comfortable sticking your finger up thousands of peoples asses in your career but this will make you uncomfortable.

This is the correct answer.

If you’re uncomfortable treating a patient for any reason, then don’t seek that career.

That is the only real answer to that question.

If you don’t want to treat people who you feel that don’t conform to whatever lifestyle you deem acceptable, don’t go into a profession that may put you in contact with those people.

I work in healthcare and have to wipe the ass of a convicted pedophile. Don’t insult me.

Blame religion for these kind of people. You get paid to do a job(any job), you aren’t being paid for your beliefs so do your damn job. But if you can’t do your job then join a cult and live amongst yourselves.

Preaaaaach sista

Do not harm… If you can’t follow that fucking walk.

Good professor

Ah yes the good ol, I want to be a doctor to help people, but only people who look and act like me.

It’s really disgusting how far these bigots will go to discriminate.

News flash: avoiding everything and everyone you don’t agree with is a shit life

“Following that lifestyle”. Wow. I hope someone denies that person medical attention for their lifestyle of being a bigoted piece of garbage

A little concerning that we have somebody in med school asking that

My mom was a nursing professor and used to say this to her students. Also said essentially the same thing to students that were anti-vax.

Doctors take an oath to treat literal murderers and abusers who were attack by their victims. But these people draw the line at someone who changed their pronouns? These people don’t have the moral backbone to be trusted with lives.

Can you fucking imagine a doctor who would actually refuse treatment over this shit? Like someone falls over in public with a heart attack, and what’s that guy going to do? Hold on, I gotta wake up the patient first to ask if he’s gay before I save his life. Even asking that fucking question means that person should be kicked out of med school.

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Imo your work should be separated from your personal feelings and opinion, that is called professionalism.

Why limit it to who you wanna sleep with, you should t wanna treat a cowboys fan either! Dumbass

I don’t understand why the student would even ask this question. Doctors can’t let their biases affect their work or they get fired and/or sued. It’s not their job to judge people, it’s their job to help people feel better.

well, that makes sense

“Lifestyle” lol.

I hear being a hermit is a good option.

Truthfully I don’t understand how someone’s sex life can change how you treat them in any profession? When you get groceries do they ask your sexual preference? I have actually never been asked my sexual preference ever in my life

“following that lifestyle” lol

Or move to Florida

For real????

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