Finished wrapping my sister’s gift.

By 349CS
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You are a legend for doing this. Is she going alone though or will you go with her?

Printed a DIY ticket for the concert tix I bought for her.

I also printed DIY tickets of past concerts sheโ€™s been to (theyโ€™re inside the folded paper bag under the Kendrick ticket).

I hole punched them, so she can collect them in a binder ring.

Added QR code on each ticket that opens her fave songs on Spotify. Also added an โ€œAttended withโ€ section so she can write who she went with.

Sheโ€™s young and she will attend more concerts in the future. I thought this was a good way for her to build memories and easily access them.

Me to your sister:
comment image

Amazing, dude! Would love to have this. Is she a sza and Kendrick fan?

*tries to scroll past*




LMAO the fucking mustard bottle

Shut down the sub for the day, OP won Christmas

Brother of the Year! ๐Ÿ†

I (47) am doing the same and surprising my daughter (14) with tickets tomorrow morning too! Sheโ€™s more of a SZA fan but Iโ€™ve been trying to get her more familiar w Kenny in the meantime.

Friday the 13th in Toronto. Which adjective will best describe the show: Crazy, Scary, Spooky or Hilarious?

Do u wanna be my bro ๐Ÿคญ

The beet colored paper shred is a nice touch. Sheโ€™s gonna love her present!

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To your sister:

This is legendary

Good bot

Goat right there.

Please let us know her reaction!

Aww this is awesome- I love it!

you are a legend – brother of the year!!!! her reaction is gonna be priceless

i love this๐Ÿฅน

Is mustard ever not yellow ๐Ÿค”


Well done on being so creative with the presentation of the gift – the mustard bottle is too funny – sheโ€™s gonna be stoked !

Where the beets, ho?

Sheโ€™s gonna freak out. So cool. I hope itโ€™s a really great Christmas.

Daaaang bro got the SF show tickets, I was looking but theyโ€™re soooo expensive

Bro youโ€™re smashing it as an older bro ๐Ÿ˜Ž


Those tickets are hella expensive too! Lucky sister!

No beet?



Dude what a sick gift, youโ€™re the best bigger brother ever. Thank you so much and canโ€™t wait to receive it!

This is insanely great gift! Nice work she is going to love it!

Make sure she opens it from the corrext side so she doesnt rip the ticket

I’m the oldest brother of 7 children (a Cancer โ™‹ to boot) so this brought a tear to my eyes & made me proud… You are DEFINITELY a ๐Ÿ for this for REAL ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Youโ€™re a great brother

W older sibling


No one gonna do ts for me

Thatโ€™s incredible

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