Fire Budget Cuts

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Time for another lawsuit against Fox.

Remember that time Trump discarded out the “pandemic playbook” left by the Obama-Biden admin in 2016 and then promptly plunged the entire United States of America into a catastrophic viral outbreak that killed over 1 million people, all while distancing himself from accountabily yet gleefully accepting undue credit

I remember. I just wished voters did too.

If only there was some penalty for publishing falsehoods in a large publication like this. *shakes head*

It’s honestly crazy to me that state politicians get blamed for federal inaction: it is the federal government, not California, that has ignored the climate crisis. It is the federal government, not California, that fails to properly fund wildfire prevention or even pay firefighters a fair wage.

Fox “entertainment” should get on their daddy Trump about this.

Ugh anyone who still believes Fox cares about sharing factual information deserves to be lied to.

It boggles my mind that Americans will defend blatant lies and miss information under the banner of free speech.

The Santa Barbara top firefighter said in their last pinning ceremony that we are getting millions of dollars in funding that they never had before so don’t fall for this bs.

American news is something else.

If Fox served facts only they’d be out of business in 2 weeks

I didn’t think fox was allowed to use the word news anymore?

Anyone actually believing Fox “news” deserves to be lied to.

He didn’t cut the fire budget by $100m, he cut the fire *prevention* butget by $100m. It’s still much higher than when he took office. It’s the LAFD that had their budget cut by $17 million. 

lol, Faux News, they got their butts handed to them about lying about the 2020 elections. People need to research the facts vs just believing a biased “news” source. Same thing with the mayor cutting the FF budget, but turns out the budget actually was increased after negotiations. But that doesnt fit the narrative.

“Facts don’t matter”

Every possible MAGA

fox is a tabloid

It’s because most of the right does not fact-check anything. They are just a bunch of idiots that will believe anything that pours out of the foxes anus.

Christians will blame anyone but God for bad shit happening. Even though through out the Bible God did horrible shit for petty reasons

Fox News has just become the 2025 version of Weekly World News from the supermarket checkout

No kidding. I had to explain to my Fox watching in laws over the holidays that Biden didn’t release all those murders that he pardoned.

The genuine shock on their face when they realized that they were commuted to life in prison without parole and NOT freed was something to behold.

This is one of those weird moments where the headline is genuine, but the context is extremely misleading.

Yes, he did cut back, after raising it for almost 10 years (Or something to that effect)

But republicans trying to cut social security and Medicare is no big deal eh? Fox is trash

How in gods name is it legal to spout such blatant lies as a NEWS org?

Huh, it’s almost like they took what Trump did with Covid and just swapped out names.

I am so tired of lies and misinformation.

In the old days, newspapers would at least publish retractions. We need something similar – or some kind of punishment

Serve them facts

They are trying to paint a picture of because they know in 4 years he is going to own the gop on the next election !!!!

I’m guessing the headline is somehow technically true even if it’s grossly misleading or an inaccurate summation of data bc he never directly references the budget in his response but rather everything within the budget that he increased. He may have still cut $100M elsewhere in the budget while still achieving those things.

The GOP is going to cut fire. That should solve the problem

Serve them a lawsuit

It’s not a clever comeback it’s “factual”

Yeah with inmates

Drained the water to the sea

Honestly, he should sue for defamation. This is 100 percent defamation.

Dumb comeback. What I see is $100m and months. One of two things. You think $100m spent within months would have changed the outcome of this fire? It takes alot longer than months to build fire engines and aircraft.
You’re able to spend that much money within months.

Both statements can be true at the same time

Fox is a propaganda machine used by the billionaires to rob the poor who watch it. 

Fox News is an entertainment channel, they can lie, according to the US justice system

Every time Fox spreads lies they should be sued and the punitive damages should be multiplied. I know they are past their first offense. However, for the first offense the damages could be $50,000. Next offense $500,000. And so on using the same multiplier.

What about the insurance company’s canceling the fire protection people had for their homes? Let’s focus on the real topics.

Both are pushing misinformation. Yes the budget was cut 143 million, but it has well over doubled in the last five years. From a leadership standpoint it’s odd that you wouldn’t simply state that. It’s very understandable to decrease a 4 billion dollar budget by 143 million when you’re working with a state that has a 55 billion dollar deficit. Fox is Fox and they’re going to do what they do. We need a real leader to step up however, and Newsom just isn’t doing it.

I don’t understand how they’re legally allowed to lie as a major news station. Like how is this not against the law

Can California sue like these other companies for their blatant lies? They should and refuse to settle. I was so disappointed before. Maybe Smartmatic will actually hold them accountable. Oh who am I kidding. The last 10 years have made it abundantly clear there’s no accountability for lies by “Christian conservatives”.

Only two facts needed. 1) Fires destroyed homes/lives. 2) you were in charge.

Remember when American news outlets wanted America to do well?

If it’s Fox it’s lies

From Fox News:”California Gov. Gavin Newsom cut funding for wildfire and forest resilience by more than $100 million just months before the wildfires currently ravaging Los Angeles broke out, according to a report.

However, a review of the state’s annual budgets under Newsom shows that direct spending on fire prevention has increased dramatically over the last six years.”

So they lead with the headline and bury the facts.

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