Firefighter from Mexico helping fight the Los Angeles fires with the kitten he rescued.

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We are judged as humanity by how we treat our most vulnerable.

Edit: I tip my hat for the award. Thank you!

Hope he keeps the little one if they can’t identify it! Name him Smokey

Maybe they were sending their best.

Trump: โ€œthey are sending their worst. Criminal. Terroristsโ€

Reality: they sent firefighters.

In Los Angles, theyโ€™re saving the dogs, the people that came in, theyโ€™re saving the cats,โ€ never said Trump. โ€œTheyโ€™re saving the pets of the people that live there.โ€ he didn’t say.

See โ€ฆ now โ€ฆ I was told my dream man was unrealistic. A firefighter who rescues kittens โ€ฆ sploosh.

Made me cry….. he saved a life, doesn’t matter what life, he saved a life….


Proof you canโ€™t vote away humanity.

Gives me hope that there are still people out there that want to care for the vulnerable instead of laughing while they suffer.


Wish this was true.

Edit: There also is no city in Mexico called Caรฑete. It’s Spain or Peru.

People please do a little fact checking before you go off posting things. It only takes a quick image search to see this picture was posted online well before the Ca wild fire even started. Mexico did deploy fire fighters yesterday (Jan 11).

Thank you Mexico. We donโ€™t deserve you

Thank you, Mexico. Fuck Trump

I hope that baby gets raised in a fire station


How awesome of him to wrap a towel around this precious little angel and carry it until he can get it to a safe place.



Thank you for your kindness and help, especially in light of the BS from our incoming administration.
You are all heroic. Very grateful

ty, Mexico.!

He fought the fire with a rescue cat? I read that wrong.



Thank you Mexico. We love you folks!


โ€œThey are coming into this country, stealing the pets of the people that live thereโ€


I’ve learned there’s a lot of good people out there willing to help each other out. It’s the rich and the powerful that so desperately try to turn us on each other to hide their sins.

Tossed up paper towels have entered the chat.

These are the Mexicans that trump promised to keep out of America. People like this.


THANK YOU MEXICO! Many other Americans wonโ€™t say it. Thank you and the Canadians helping as well. You all have already been attacked by our incoming rapist felon and still risk your lives for us. Thank you.

I can see the headlines now:

“The third wet bandit, Mexican cat burglar steals water during LA catastrophe!”


Peak Reddit pic

Iโ€™d love to see some Mexican volunteers in Western North Carolina, where people are sleeping in tents where their home once stood.

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