Fireworks, Gas, Lighter Fuel, and Explosives/Incendiary Items in the Turo Cybertruck that exploded

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After seeing the video of the truck exploding, it certainly looked intentional.

Wasn’t it also a Turo vehicle used in the New Orleans attack? Wonder what their stock price is going to do tomorrow.

So, a suicide bomber or did it go off too soon?

Man. The cybertruck owner’s insurance is going to have a field day trying to figure out how hard to reject this insurance claim.

Thank fuck whomever decided to do this doesn’t know shit about fuck when it comes to improvised explosive devices.

2025 is off to a really fucked up start. Sad shit.

What the fuck is happening right now in this country?

What’s up with all these photos about this attack being such low quality. Is that on purpose?

You had to get gas to blow up an EV lol

When I saw the headline I half assumed it was just another cyber truck fucking up

you have to be really whack to incinerate yourself in an EV..

I’m starting to think this guy was a fuckin’ idiot


Is it me or does the canister in the middle look like Trump?

No one going to comment about the can at the top center of the image looking like a face of a napalm victim?


Anyone else see a busted face? Top, center left.

Is that a picture of trump up there at the top?

The irony is that when the fire was first posted the highest upvoted Reddit comments were “yeah piece of shit truck, of course this would happen” and now the police are saying the reason no one was hurt (other than the perp) is because the truck was built so well it contained the explosion lol

It was patently obvious from the second I saw the video that this was intentional.

It went up in value

Wag the Tesla

am i the only one that sees a face in that upper canister, terryifing

Thoughts and flares

Looks like I picked the wrong year to stop sniffing glue! This year is off to a SHITE start.

Let’s see Elon and Trump? Big boom? Yep that’s intentional. Poor Turo owner.

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