First Ben and now Matt…

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As it turns out reality feels a little more left leaning than they expected.

They are trying so hard to villainize the left but they can’t idolize the ghouls at the private health insurance companies.

Is it weird this fills me with an unironic patriotism?

This timeline is proving so many people are on the same side and just don’t know it because talking heads are baiting them with propaganda to hate the other side 🫠

they are showing everybody who signs their checks.

I wish the right would wake up and see what Walsh and Shapiro constantly do to them, and thats this shit.

They try and turn American issues into left or right issues. They use culture crap to divide even more.

Their handlers are terrified people will unite against the wealthy

will this finally be the thing that unites the left and right? at least it comes on to this issue

They are really trying to make this their new thing and it is not working out.

oh wow he took a day of off from children’s genitals.

No idea who this guy is, but I know for sure that beard exists to stave off a Preacher “WHERE THE FUCK IS YOUR CHIN?” meme.

What a smug fucking face from Shat Walsh over here.

sure would be nice if the “eVen ThOse Of Us ON thE RigHt tHiNk HEalThCaRe is BroKen” crowd actually voted for the party that is actually trying to make our healthcare system better

Wait? The right-wing-propaganda-machine were boot lickers this entire time!?!

Shocked fucking Pikachu face…

The adults are home now, Matt. You shouldn’t have shit your pants with Ben and not cleaned yourselves up, because now the adults are going to clean it all up.

Matt Walsh is a complete douchebag. I can’t fathom a more deserving person to receive a bit of lead directly.

This is so fucking satisfying to see happen. Not only are these rich assholes getting dragged but the idiots who support them are realizing they’re fucking dumb.

These jackasses, trying to frame it as a “ left” issue. Get lost before someone drops a house on you too.

Right wingers sucking off Big Pharma when one gets shot, while fucking them in the ass when it saves lives via vaccines. Excuse my french, but good glorious Jesus H. Fucking Christ these guys are sick.

This is great… The wealthy are doing everything in their power to ensure people don’t unite over this issue, and we get a nice roster of everyone who’s on the payroll.

Reality is inherently left-leaning

Still wonder why half this country blindly chants best healthcare in the world….

Matt and Ben are payed by the management class to deliver these hot takes.

This discussion really highlights which public figures do not worry about their healthcare costs at all.

Nice try, loser. Both sides **know** they are on the same side of this. NO ONE is celebrating a murder. But we are so angry at the US healthcare system that when a health insurance CEO was assassinated, *we felt absolutely nothing*.

Go tell THAT to the people who pay you.

Uh oh the propaganda machine is  losing control. 

Being too poor to not die from basic, curable shit.

That is what it takes to unite us. Just in time for the holidays.

They’re trying so hard to make it a leftist issue

It doesn’t matter if the boot on your neck is a left boot or a right boot.

It still hurts.

They’re losing control of the narrative.

I dont laugh with just my left ribcage.

“What is a CEO?”

It’s republicans who keep saying it’s vitally important to have guns to defend one’s rights 

These people suddenly realising that the left-right dichotomy they have been swallowing and parroting for years might not be as straightforward as they think….

Honestly, if it was any industry other than healthcare, you might have a chance of drumming up right-wing anger against the left. After all, conservatism is entirely about the division and stratification of society, the good Us vs the wicked Them. Conservatism worships at the altar of wealth and power.

As long as you don’t directly hurt a conservative. They have zero empathy, so as long as the evil only sffects the outgroup the right will cheer on the CEO. If the ghoul in charge on Nestle got whacked (here’s hoping) , it would be easier to rile up conservatives in defense because they personally are not affected by Nestlé’s evil.

Leftists cheer for the CEOs death because that CEO caused so much misery to everyone.

Rightwingers cheer for thiS CEOs death because the healthcare system affects them personally.

It’s almost like they are paid to spout the same lines. Strange…

I really hope this is just the beginning of people killing millionaires, it’s probably the only thing that can cause the right to lose their grip on the working class by now.

NEWS FLASH! Both the Left and the Right think Ben and Matt are assholes now! 😆

The grifters are taking a huge risk here with little reward. By siding with the mega wealthy they risk their followers realizing that the grifters don’t actually care about them and their struggles. That they want to be the same as the rich fucks screwing them over and that using the term “leftist” just means anyone who disagrees with the idea that the richest are just better than us and deserve to suffer if it means the rich do slightly better

Nothing but a voice for the ruling class desperate to tear us apart

It’s weird to me that they are on our side with this but they’ll defend Elon Musk who is a foreign born trust fund billionaire (newly minted) oligarch telling them he’s cutting SS funding and censoring speech, and a lot of them are now pro-Putin and anti Ukraine because that’s what the libs want.. they seem to go out to bat for anyone the libs don’t like. This is where they finally draw the line? They’ve not supported their own interests this whole time. I guess maybe they just need a strong man type to admire and then they’re on board? Now they have a John Wick/batman figure and they’re all in? They also claim to be all concerned about the economy but if you read the ask politics sub right now they’re all making excuses for how it’s okay that goods will be more expensive under Tarrifs cause we should be shopping local anyways.. ohhhh now you care about not supporting big business? What a fucking cop out. Okay. Weird cult of personality I guess. I didn’t think they could surprise me, but Trump supporters being on the right side of the narrative for once has me strangely surprised.

They REALLY wanna distract people from the real issues here, don’t they lol. Nobody is swallowing this though. This isn’t a team politics issue. It hits everyone in the pocket, hard! Except the rich. They’re the team to be against this time. Convincing people not to be against the killing of greedy mass murderers is going to take more propaganda skills than anyone possesses.

These idiots just now realizing EVERYONE hates rich bastards who made their money in fucking over poor people!

Is this the event we needed to finally break the party politics division game and shift it into a class struggle?

I’m just glad we can all talk about this at Christmas and laugh and slap high fives as fellow Americans 

Leftists didn’t force Brian Thompson to go traipsing merrily around New York without bodyguards or Kevlar days after he’d gotten bomb threats.

Corporatists defending elites.

It’s more than the left, I promise you that.

I used to think the Right wing power of controlling a single narrative from the top down in their media outlets was a good thing for them. Now we see what happens when they screw up that top down narrative.

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