First Christmas without my missus. Lonely drive to her family’s Christmas get together

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I too, am about to go through this today after losing my wife earlier this year. Here’s hoping you have a day a little better than you expected with some really great moments 🫂😘

Your wife would be proud of you for keeping her memory alive and for staying connected to her family. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Merry Christmas from Maine.

I remember my first Christmas without her. It was really hard for me to decorate and get everything ready for the three kids. Made me realize she was the Christmas magic for the family.

Best to you this Christmas.

Hey bro you’re not alone, you have humans on the internet cheering in your corner

This made me get a lump in my throat. Big hugs to you. Hope you can raise a glass to her later. Drive safe please.

I hope you are able to find some joy and peace while being with her family today. My dad passed November 29, this has not been a fun Christmas time. Here’s to healing and a better 2025 ❤️

Sending love. Drive safe sir.

I’m so happy you’re still going to see them. I lost my dad and I’m currently staying with his family. Sometimes I sit here and hate everything for not feeling the same and for reminding me of his absence, but for me it’s a heck of a lot better than sitting at home.

Merry Christmas and try not to drown your sorrows too much. Remember there’s two football games you can distract yourself with too!!

I hope you find peace through your grief. 

Sending all the positive vibes and kind wishes amigo :(.

You probably realise she is with you in spirit.  It’s a colder comfort, but in the most peaceful of days you will feel her love.  All the best

My heart hurts for you. Difficult missing a loved one and dear friend. Sending big hugs.

Feliz navidad hermano — she’s there as long as you’re thinking about her. This time of the year can be tough after losing a friend or loved one, been there several times myself.

I find comfort in keeping old traditions alive, even the silly ones

I’ll treat my mister just a little extra special today with you two in mind. Life is so precious.

She’s with you in spirit, celebrate!

Hoping you the best, this definitely looks like Ontario

I feel ya. That was my roughest Christmas ever. It gets better eventually

I’m so sorry that is a lonely drive I’m sure. She’s happy you are making the trip I’m sure.

Merry Christmas my dude. Turn this seasonal event into a way to reflect on the joyful times you spent together and a way to remember her fondly. Instead of missing her use it to bring her back into your heart every year, it’s what I do for some lost loved ones this time of year and although it took some time to master it’s made me look forward to Christmas again.

Best wishes and know that we all love you out here.

Merry Christmas Brother. We are with you

Merry Christmas, friend. Hope your day is filled with light. I’m sorry for your loss and glad you can keep some traditions alive.

Oh Jesus – I’m a bit torn up reading this. I have seen your experience first hand as an “outsider” son-in-law and I’ll just be the first to say – I’m glad you’re going. I wouldn’t be strong enough to tell you this in person – but I would be glad to see you.

Merry Christmas from New Mexico! Sending positive thoughts your way.

Cheering you on. Merry Christmas.

Ohh she’s with you buddy! Sending best wishes and thought’s

Wishing you love and peace.

Merry Christmas. Stay strong brother. She would be proud of you.

I lost my husband in February. My heart goes out to you. May you find peace and support from your friends and family and maybe a little laughter.

Sorry for your loss dude

I’m on #2 today after losing mine on Dec. 3, 2023. Keep on keeping on. You got some rough times ahead for sure. But, this will get easier. One of my fears was possibly losing touch with her family. That has not happened for me. I’m glad to see you are still in touch with hers. Gotta keep as much love and support and comfort in your life as you can get, and give. Be well.

My heart goes out to you and others in this thread who are going through Xmas without their wives, husbands, SOs, etc. I can only imagine how tough it is. But good for you on honoring your late wife and the bonds of family that form. It goes to show that love transcends death and shines on.

2 1/2 years and I still text her 😔

How awesome to have the love of a family even after their original family member is gone.

Sending love brother. Thinking about you mate !

So kind of you to visit with her family. I hope you find some comfort there.


I’m with you. Time will heal the deepest wounds.

Absolutely brutal. Hang in there, and pull over if you need to cry. No one wants another tragedy. Sending you warm internet hugs.

Thinking of you all.

Merry Christmas, brother.

Sending prayers your way brother


sorry friend

Man alive that’s rough. Sending some Christmas and holiday love from the UK. Your missus would be so proud of you keeping up those holiday traditions.

Merry Christmas dude. I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

I’m proud of you.

That’s a lonely view in any circumstance. Wishing you well.

That is enough to make a grown man cry!!

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