First Date

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Looka like a set of a drapes from the living room.

I made shirts like this to show off my *muscles* in eighth grade. One wash and the spaghetti straps would curl up into cylinders….

You shoulda blurred her face tho

TBH, ignoring the tits out. Its a pretty ugly outfit

He respects her for her brains.

Yeah no, this is misogynistic rage bait


(leans over and whispers) …. _”excuse me — ma’am… your tities are showing”_ 😬

Clown overalls are in my dude


She’s at a department store trying on that mess, fake

If OP is not the person in the picture why is this post still up? Since when do we post pictures like this of other people without any consent? Couldn’t even blur the face.

That bish a fckn midget

The dress is on upside down.

At least she is already in a trash bag.

Interesting outfit

“Weird asl” is a new one lol


stupid sexy alladin

One man’s treasure is another man’s trash

Thats fake. You really typed all that out with yourself and stole someones photos for reddit karma? Pathetic (google image search shows its directly taken from somebodies Instagram)

Is she wearing a sandbag?

Dress? It looks like she’s borrowed the Hulks wifebeater. What a ridiculous outfit.

I don’t see any problems there, she states clearly that money will be involved.

This is clearly in a store so… not dressed for the date.. but mad hate for a woman showing her body?

What’s wrong with homie? She fine! You hit the streets of the ATl looking like that you gone be high steepin’!

Not saying this isn’t a mashup of 2 different things, b/c maybe it is, but it is possible for someone to go shopping for something that they plan to wear that evening & even take a pic of it to send to someone.
There’s people here acting like it’s not possible to try something on & take a pic before you buy it (or even take a pic to try to talk someone into paying for it).

“Instead of dinner, how about a trip to Kohl’s. I’ve got mad Kohl’s cash…”

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