First hate comment

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Good attitude tbh

comment image?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8984d89d733f9cb36685dd93bf997b61c1be104

Metal band names are the Magic Eye posters of the music world.

1 second ago lmao

I want this kind of positivity

It’s a big milestone

Haven’t made it big until you’ve got haters.

One of my fav things is commenting back to hate comments with so much love and kindness lol.

I love her attitude so much.

With how toxic Youtube is, might as well treat it like a rite of passage.

Woahhh, That’s my buddies band! (On the shirt)


is it a hate comment if it was actually trash though?

I’m absolutely going to do this

Filthy Frank gave a similar type of attitude, and this reminded me of him


I remember the first time I got accused of hacking in a video game. Same great feeling.

If you don’t have any haters then your doing it wrong.

What shirt is she wearing? What band?

and not the last

Where there’s a whip there’s a way 🎶

Metal band shirts kill my brain. 

Cucun. Cuchn. Cucud.


My mom has that same bakers rack!!

I wish I remembered my first hate comment

She made it!

Critics and haters are not the same thing. Please don’t misinterpret someone not liking you for someone hating you.

You always remember your first 🥲

Its spelled thrash, not trash metal

Haters gonna hate, but at least you’ve made it to the big leagues now!

Tbh I wouldn’t call that a hate comment, sounds more like an honest review lol.

Criticism is not Hate.

I checked it out she’s making Edward Cullen dick cookies. very nice

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