First photo of CEO murder suspect inside holding cell

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I bet he’s going to get a lot of interesting letters in prison.

It is really fascinating to me that law enforcement has taken and released this many pictures and videos of this guy. Is it normal for a suspect to have this much media of them released?

Wait, so they can catch people fast if they want to?

Do the people on Epstein’s Island next.

How is this legal? I get mugshots but this is ridiculous. They are literally taking cellphone pictures of him in what I can assume is against his wishes.

Who is taking this photo? Why is it being released to the public? This is suspect.

He can still run for president.

He’ll now have free healthcare most likely for life.

The police should keep doing weird shit like this

Keep feeding his lawyer ammunition that their client can’t get a fair trial

I have an advanced degree in medicine and can’t stomach re-entering the medical field because of the state of the health care system. It’s antithetical to everything I stand for as a medical professional.

There are codes we get paid for seeing patients. You wonder why your doctor looks at a screen and doesn’t interact with you? 15 minutes for an exam. This system is designed for illness and not wellness.

Hospital organizations suck.

Insurance sucks.

Pharmaceutical industry sucks.

Capitalism has no place in public healthcare.

No way, that’s Miles Davis…

Law enforcement patting themselves on the back when they didn’t do shit to catch him, it was all some ordinary civilian being a snitch.

When can I put money on this guys books?

It is highly unusual. With most cases, even ones with a fair amount of publicity, you usually get a mug shot and maybe a perp walk shot but that’s about it. I’m trying to recall if I’ve ever seen a picture of a suspect, even a high profile one, in a holding cell and I’m coming up with nothing.

This is an excellent gift to his defense attorneys as gives them an argument with teeth on the issue of raining the jury pool.

My only guess is that they are trying to make a point that he didn’t outfox them forever. Maybe discourage copycats who might have been considering doing something similar as well.

Looks like the cops released this because they want him to look as ridiculous as possible. They want people to laugh at him for pissing himself, the cops clearly did something to him and going off of the comments, it looks like he got tazed. Don’t let this police action discount the fact that, whoever killed that ass hole CEO, did us a service.

Too much coverage, pictures, too many convenient incriminating things in his backpack…this just feels off.

The only reason this was released is because they can’t stand the support/idolization he has received. They are trying to turn public image against him by showing he pissed himself.

When murder unifies the country, you’ve got a serious problem. People are so fed up. Most people wouldn’t lose sleep if a few dozen more millionaires dropped if it jumpstarted systematic reform.

Jesus they are really milking this. Trying to make him an example, don’t kill the rich

He’s already on j pay

That’s my pal, Luigi. He’s got like 10 million alibis. He was chilling on my couch. Didn’t he come hang with you afterwards?


Innocent till proven guilty. Gonna be really embarrassing if this is the wrong guy

The fact that his objectively handsome just adds to the vigilante aesthetic

This looks like a fit pic on r/rawdemim

So police officers are abusing this guy and then taking pictures of it? That’s disgusting behavior.

Why does it matter more when a CEO is zeroed out in NYC? What about all of the other cases?

Just remember. We have a felon that’s gonna be president. Luigi can use this to start a political career.

This guy has been with me for 2 solid weeks states away from New York. Totally innocent, free him.

Damn they really wanna sell this one huh.

This story just keeps getting more and more weird.

Completely unnecessary for law enforcement to take and then release this photo. They’re trying to take away from his status with people who are tired of being trod on and used with no recourse. He’s still a revolutionary in my eyes. Oh and you boot lickers who think that you are one of the reigning class…🤣

“No, you may not use the bathroom!”

This much coverage. Dude is getting framed.

He’s my favourite criminal


They probably tased him. It’s a common reaction. But usually they let you change out and wash your street clothes before storing them.

This photo looks fake as hell.

Also broke his nose?

Are they sure it’s the right guy? Doesn’t look like the guy.

I hope there’s copycats of this wonderful man

Police officer who caught him says “it feels good getting a guy like that off the street” 

I would argue it feels good getting that CEO off the street.


It does kinda look photoshopped. Somebody mentioned he doesn’t have a shadow, when the toilet does. Also if you zoom in around his shoulders theres an outline around them? Or am I tripping?

That’s not the guy in the NYC pics.

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