Fixing (French)

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In France, a year without the government collapsing is considered a dull affair

How are we supposed to solve anything without a little arson flair?

2 things about the german perspective:

Setting things on fire is not necessarily linked to improvement, as could be seen in Neuköln, Berlin this New Year.

If you really wanna fix something, throwing Mud at Police Officers is marginally more effective

French protests are *wildly* overrated here lol. They had millions of people, burned things, and left garbage out in the streets for weeks and… completely failed to stop the retirement age increasing. Hardly a thing to brag about

The germans are notoriously (slow) to revolt against leadership. The only real revolutions happened in real desperate circumstances here.

That said it made me proud of the massive waves of protests against far right rhetoric here.

Edit: Brain skipped word while writing

As a French myself, I totally understand him. Maybe it’s time the US discover that guns aren’t the only way to kill someone, a guillotine is much more refined

The only thing germans set on fire is our capital on new years.🎇🎆🧨

Because we all get shot and die when we do lmao. Just look at what happened in the George Floyd protests for example #1. They had motherfuckers in unmarked vans just kidnapping people off the streets.

Simple, we don’t have free health insurance. If we get burned, that’s $3,000 out of pocket for the ambulance alone!

and yet the french continue to have a wildly unpopular president who has violated many constitutional laws.

In France , we set everything on fire for no reason too.

New Year’s Eve = 1000 burnt cars.

This country (I’m French btw) is full of idiots.

People talk but at the end of the day if the government gathered people into camps they would say “At least it’s not me”.

That’s the one thing I respect the French for, aside from their cuisine.

This exactly why we need to ban the concept of French people.

“I know you live in an oppressive oligarchical police state, but it’s your fault for not throwing yourselves at the meat grinder in the hopes your body jams it.”

i mean the tesla cybertrucks are catching fire

Say what you want about the French, at least they’re proactive

Travel distance. We can’t concentrate our protesting like European countries can. It takes 2-3 days of constant driving to cross our country. So when things are bad we can’t really organize as a whole country and protest like they can. It’s like trying to get the entire European union to organize together and protest in Hungary.

We don’t.

What’s so bad to revolt against in Germany atm?

Cuz MAGA will just blame BLM and liberals

They set things on fire that are then repaired with their tax money.

Clearly he’s never seen Portland

Yeah, it’s almost like we don’t have Europe’s fantasy land cops prancing around with Billy clubs and stern warnings. They WILL kill you and get a paid vacation out of it here, or just throw your ass in jail without trial for a few months while you lose your job, housing, and other means of survival.

Yeah, it’s our collective fault that it got this way, I just don’t want to starve to death on the side of the road because my grandpa was a bootlicker. We are not the fucking Shire that Europeans live in.

Oh, Americans set a LOT of shit on fire as protests.

Cause they would start shooting us duh

Class consciousness is so close. I can feel it.

How about we don’t let people from other countries try and convince us to burn ours down?

they’ve convinced us going online and posting angry words is just as effective

the learned helplessness goes so far

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