Flash has to be top 5 โ€ฆ

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Frankly, The Flash movie proved that DC learned very little (if anything) from Batman V Superman.
You donโ€™t start with a big name event (like Flashpoint Paradox). You build up to it, develop the character more before jumping to such a major universe event

This was a bad take

That is a step to far i d say

And we are back with another episode of “Blame it on fans”.

Maybe it was your job to make people care. Nobody “cared” about iron man or the guardians before their movies. The IP isn’t a free pass to do fuck all with your movie.

In the reverse sense, star wars shows you can have a very well liked IP and your skill can screw that pooch too.

Weak excuse. Especially with how flash just had 9 seasons of tv to establish an audience and has always been the first pick for the Justice League after the Trinity.

Yeah one of the most iconic superheros and you see people don’t care lol

I thought that movie was GREAT.

That has to be the most bullshit reason Iโ€™ve ever seen

“most” people haven’t given a flying f about costumed heroes for half a decade

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