Flexing your stride on em

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Oddly specific but oddly accurate

It’s even worse when you do it and then immediately start wheezing like karma just clocked in.

And the old person feeling sorry, like, poor f*cker is still in the rat race, maybe I shouldn’t have been chilling in front of him like that…

Old man here. Don’t worry about your flex. I know you just hadn’t learned there is no hurry. You’ll get there, I believe in you.

This was fucking funny.

at my job u have to walk down a long hallway to get to the floor where we work so i have gotten used to passing old people lol

Am 65. Jogging last week. Lady ran past me easily.

NBD. I had my time. Enjoy your youth and make the most of it.

Because I was in your shoes once and some day you’ll be in mine.

(Metaphor of course unless my missus sells my shoes when I die 80)

I’m 62 and pass everyone lol, especially dumbass kids texting on their phones

lol i zoom past people half my age because I hate walking slow.
then they act like i aint got ears with their neurotypical snide commentary.

I know getting old sucks ass, but some of them rip the piss. Mooching aboot, ¼mph. Getting arsey with the ATM. Dropping things. Unable to stoop. Then they just get in a car and drive off, like yeah, *now* you’re on the ball and fully capable, a veritable Magister Vehiculi. Couldn’t fathom the revolving door a minute ago, but you’ll be fine now you’re in a 1½ tonne 158bhp SUV. 😒😬

The bigger flex is walking slower because you have nowhere to be

“On your left”

I’ll always slow down a bit after I pass to make it seem like they weren’t going that slow.

i pass everyone, i’m a fast walker for some reason.

Do y’all say you-full or yo-full when reading youthful?

I was waiting behind an old guy at the ATM a few weeks ago and he was having so much trouble with selecting the right buttons. Took him about 10 min to get some cash. I and the people behind me were frustrated with the situation, and then he slowly turned to walk away and I could see he had a terrible limp when he walked. I felt so bad for letting myself become frustrated with him, he was much older than I had thought. The look on his face said he knew he was holding up the line, and that he was sorry for his difficulty with the machine.

I have thought about this several times since then. At times I am too quick to become frustrated with the elderly, when in reality they have survived long enough that their mind and body begin to slow them down. The good among us continue to press on even in old age.

You shouldn’t feel bad. Old people should move faster, they’re closer to death and don’t have enough time.

The worst is when you’re passing an old lady and she speeds up like it’s a competition or something

How dare you flex your mobility!!

Poor kid has nothing going for him and will take anything to feel better about himself.

We get it. We used to do it too.

Crop dust apology inbound

No worries! It took me 60 years to learn to enjoy going slowly and not to hurry through life.

Take it easy on us bro

Fuck that just turn and burn. Leave em in the dust

Or when the old couple is shuffling to the entrance and they get into the obligatory trap where they are too close to the door for you to go on in so you have to hold it for 30 seconds while they make the next 20 ft.

Downvote all X links

When i was a first year plumbing apprentice (I was 19) I was doing some work in an assisted living building. I was told by the foreman to go get something from the van and make it quick. I ran down the hall past an old timer and he yelled “show off!”. I started laughing and turned around to see the old guy glaring at me very seriously.

This tweet has an Andrew Tate poster on the wall

It’s not a problem if you just keel over right after you pass us and need an ambulance. Then we get to laugh at you.

How about when it says Don’t Walk but there’s no cars, and a parent is refusing to let their kid cross, but you go ahead because you’re an adult?

the courteous half side nod when you’re flying by is always an option

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