Flirting is lovebombing?

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people throwing the word love bombing on everything makes me so irrationally angry like they don’t realize love bombing is a form of manipulation not some harmless flirting

This isn’t what love bombing is lol

Women saying “gives me the ick” gives me the ick.

Class ending, you handled it well. Don’t waste your time guys.

That’s not love bombing.

Not much lost here, don’t dwell on it

That’s not lovebombing, and when you say stuff like gives me the ick, I’m gonna assume you have the emotional maturity of a 5 year old

she sounds annoying and sensitive asf. you were just being playful and she’s just being…*ick*. bullet dodged, don’t entertain people who insist you walk on eggshells.

What a weirdo. She’ll have a story for her bestie now, how some abusive man tried to snare her with love bombing lol. Ridiculous woman.

Good thing you didn’t question it or else you’d be gaslighting her too

TikTok and social media has literally ruined girls perceptions of men who put in any effort, it’s insane. I assume there will be a shift in the future (there always is) but we’re in the absolute valley of SM brain rot at the moment.

this is just super corny

That isn’t lovebombing and is also a 2/10 on the rizz scale

This isn’t lovebombing, it was just a lame thing to say. “Guess my sweet words weren’t enough to warm you up”???? 🤨

You should have responded that gaslighting gives you the ick

You handled it well, but I gotta be real, something about your game feels off.

Tik tok/instagram brain rot right there. You don’t need complainers like that in your life anyways they’re exhausting.

Okay this isn’t lovebombing in the slightest but tbh if roles were reversed I would be a lil weirded out by a girl talking like this 😭😭 seems like AI generated responses. Idk

maybe you just need a girl that matches… **that** energy

It’s not lovebombing, but it does seem like you were a bit tonedeaf in that exchange. She was clearly feeling crappy and just wanted to get home and be warm and you were acting as if you’re both sitting in a cozy restaurant.

Nah they sound like they have baggage and project that onto you because of the stress. I wouldn’t want to date someone who can’t keep their thoughts and emotions in order like this.

I fucking hate “the ick” too. It’s such a vague and superficial concept. If you’re intelligent and introspective you can lay out a feeling like that much more precisely so that you can actually work with them. Although I’m sure “the ick” perfectly represents the depth of thoughts and feelings she has on the subject.

Exhausted at 8am, get the fuck over yourself and F off..

“I’m cold”

Nooo don’t be cold you’re so pretty haha

This isn’t love bombing but I can see how it’d be annoying when every complaint is met with unending compliments, just have a regular conversation

She just doesn’t like corny

You’re not lovebombing but your flirting skills need a lot of work

It was corny as fuck, and would have turned me off completely, but it’s definitely not love bombing

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