Food Program Canceled

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Hope the children find a way.

The farmers? Guess Trump wants to fuck ‘em. 🤷‍♂️

Fuck those kids, they’ve already been born!

I thought going after Vets and starving children in Africa was bad.. but man they keep hurting people more and more.

Gotta give them credit though.. an intentionally horrible leader out to cause as much suffering as possible couldn’t do much better than they have.

I bet all those impoverished red states will benefit the most from this.

Adversary, struggle, and hunger builds character. Ask any silver spoon billionaire.

Food banks keep seniors alive. This is the whole population in some way or another.

I hate that many generations from now my family will look in the history books and know I was around when this happened.

Republicans and conservatives own this one.

” those children’s bellies were full of fraud waste and abuse!” – Cletus

Maybe stop calling them children and refer to them as fetuses and we can get this reversed

Omfg. We have 32 families in our local program whose children will literally go hungry for at least 1 week a month without the food banks supplied mostly by farms. Starvation and disease go hand in hand. This is turning into a death sentence for the poor.

First they came – MAGA version.

First they came for the immigrants
And I did not speak out
Because I was not an immigrant
Then they came for the farmers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a farmer
Then they came for the hungry children
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a hungry child
Then they came for the vets
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a vet
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Original by Marin Niemoller. Ironically, and sadly, still applicable to this day.

And the average person will not see any of that money returned to them. Nor will they use it to pay towards the national debt.

They’re literally, not figurativelly, LITERALLY taking food away from children.

“Kids, good manners mean we don’t waste our food. Remember, there are hungry kids in USAmerica.”

This administration wanted to make sure that it’s 100% clear that they don’t give a damn

Food programs cancelled, meanwhile millions of our tax dollars go to Trump golfing every other day

There going to cancel Christmas at this rate.

In just blue states right, in case they need more soldiers out of the red ones?😏

The politicians, the legislators…love to advocate for what’s inside of the womb but stop giving a crap once they’re born!

[Musk]( [hacked]( [the election]( and he doesn’t give a fuck about any Americans. He will steal social security, he will steal VA funding, he will shut down and sell national parks, he will let farmers go bankrupt so mega corps can buy up all the farmland. He’s hitting veterans, the elderly, federal workers, children, farmers, women, minorities, he’s hitting every single American. He’s a foreign asset and his goal is to destabilize the country.

Trump is flushing money from the economy faster than flushing a turd down a toilet.

“That’s the sound of the economy crashing”.

What they’re doing with all this money they’re ‘saving is what I want to know. The money still exists so where is it going?

This seems like an organized effort to completely fuck over American farmers. Once they start defaulting on loans it’s going to take down banks.

oh nice, lowest bidder with no regulatory oversight feeding our kids prison food from the same contractors.

Surely this will make gas $1/gal.

How to kill two birds with one stone


effing german bastard matthias doepfner, now owner of politico and german primitive tabloid bild asked his staff to pray for the election of trump!


For their next act, Elon and Don will euthanize a puppy live on tv

In case anybody is wondering, $1B is about how much money the federal government spends in about 80 minutes.

Or, if you’d like to compare it to the median household income, this cut is equivalent to buying 1 less McDonald’s value meal this year (about $11).

r/conservative is happy about this for some reason

This is your president? What a disgrace.

If we don’t pay to feed the poor and children, we don’t need as much product from Farmers.
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