For legal reasons, this is completely hypothetical.

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I’m pretty sure you can say that literally everywhere

This is in reference of the CEO of a big healthcare corp that was infamous for denial of care being shot on the street in America.

Police is having trouble narrowing down a suspect because most people on the street at this time had a motive, because they were denied care by this corp.

Those bullets were in his chest *before* he died. Pre-existing condition. Claim: DENIED.

“Murder was in fact a fairly uncommon event in Ankh-Morpork, but there were a lot of suicides. Walking in the night-time alleyways of The Shades was suicide. Asking for a short in a dwarf bar was suicide. Saying ‘Got rocks in your head?’ to a troll was suicide. You could commit suicide very easily, if you weren’t careful.”

Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms (Discworld, #15; City Watch, #2)

Yeah. I don’t think it’s an uncommon sentiment around the internet, with less qualifiers even.

Murder is bad and suicide is bad and it sucks that both exist. That said, I feel about as badly about this guy’s murder as I do about Hitler’s suicide.

So apparently that did kind of happen in a town, but the guy was one of those horrifying caricatures of a monstrous human being who died mysteriously of multiple gunshots to the chest on a busy street filled with people.

Myself is in a high degree of certainty that you are able to make that statement in, that being said in a literal form, every place on the internet.

If you think about it, him being hated so much is merely him providing prior authorization for that *long range surgical intervention*.

Motive usually isn’t the chief way you solve murders like this. Forensics is gonna play a bigger role.

>can’t say this on any other platform

> Seeing this on arr slash curated Tumblr

Which way is it lmao

Cause of death: poetic justice. Time of death: whenever karma clocked in.

We won’t be covering this investigation or funeral, the subject has a preexisting condition known as death

I feel like this whole “they can’t narrow down the suspect list” thing is getting pretty overblown. They know where and when it happened. They know the killer fled on a bike shortly after the attack. They know the killer was white.

So anyone who wasn’t there isn’t a suspect. Anyone who was there but isn’t white isn’t a suspect. Anyone who was there at the time and was *still* there a while later isn’t a suspect. This is before even needing any additional evidence like store security cameras in the area or bullet casings or whatever. Motive is not the only thing (or really even the main thing) that you can use to track down a suspect. I don’t really think it’ll be *that* much harder to find this guy than any other murderer who fled form the scene quickly.

I don’t think that’s how finding suspects works, but okay

I mean, billionaires are finally at the find out stage. Who would’ve guessed except all of history repeating itself

Capital punishment is bad. Except when I don’t like the person. Then they should be shot in the street by a masked vigilante.

Reblog to add yourself to the suspects list

I’m more worried about if this will set a precedent more than anything. The average American does not have a good track record of choosing to shoot people who deserve it.

It never occurred to me ’til now that in the surveillance era shooting someone in a high traffic/high population area is the safest way to getting away with it.

We’ll see how much time they will need to track thig guy down if they even manage to.

We can be reasonably sure it’s a white male.

They have shell casings.

They have a phone.

They have him on camera buying stuff from Starbucks prior to the shooting.

They have trash he left in his waiting spot.

The pool of suspects will start to shrink quicker than people may expect.

Do we include externalities? How do we determine responsibility? What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Idk. Pretty sure my twitter and reddit feed has been full of takes like this.

I mean, it’s been proven that you can say it on Reddit as well. I’ve seen dozens of threads on this and only about 3 were locked

He had a pre-existing condition of near universal hatred. His life insurance won’t cover it

Reminded of a moment in Freeman’s Mind where he mentions if literally everyone wants to kill you it becomes de facto legal to kill you.

An irl example was that guy who was killed in broad day light in front if everyone but since he was utter scum and a bully no one saw anything

In that light, I hope many more CEOs will have peaceful, natural deaths.

I hope that people remember that we are all Spartacus today.

Or put another way; if you saw something, no you didn’t.

Deny defend depose

These words should be a warning to all the corporations that wish to only act for profit and without a morals compass. These words should be a slogan for the bottom 90% these words should be written on walls and used as a reply on twitter to CEOs. It’s not a threat. It is a warning. Start acting like human beings. Or

We will DEFEND each other. We will DENY your money. We will DEPOSE you of your position with someone who cares. One way or another. Expect us.

As much as I don’t find the event itself that shocking (moreso the fact that it happened just now) or find there is a particular reason to mourn the guy, but the genuine joy at the event seems… well misplaced

Disregarding arguments about how empathy goes out the window when the person “deserves it” and it becomes socially acceptable to celebrate someone else’s death(see the submarine incident from last year), I feel like this should be more worrying than anything

Not only because this attitude goes against a lot of the tenets that we see talked about on this sub (chiefly among them the discourse about justice and prison reforms and the necessary humanization of criminals and wrongdoers), but because people taking justice in their own hands is a further example of a radicalized system moving further towards it’s breaking point. Maybe this stays a one-off, but seeing the outpoor of public support and outright cover given to the killer, I can’t imagine it will be

Then again, this only affects me tangentially as I’m not American. But still.

TL;DR: The guy was a criminal and a piece of shit. He still didn’t deserve to be summarily executed in the street. You’re not forced to mourn his death, but I’d take a look at your principles if you’re celebrating it. Especially because this should have people more worried than anything else

I’m the only one who feels bad about murder even if I don’t like the guy huh?

Any public figure has bunch of people who hate them. Should we just put down everyone mildly famous?

That type of description is typical of people in like…organized crime.

Certain subs are playing it *really* fast and loose with the whole “don’t celebrate people’s deaths” rule in the last 24 hours. Certain threads from /r/all are graveyards of deleted comments with three-day bans.

TIL you can kill cancer with a gun

Yeah, I can’t believe Mr Burns really thought blotting out the sun would be a good idea. Pretty much everyone in Springfield wanted something to happen to him.

Lotta people want to lynch trans people.

Just something to keep in mind

The feast has begun

Tumblr really said “post whatever, no judgment” and I’m here for it 💅

That company appears to have been utterly reprehensible, to the point where deleting the boss would be a fair response to their activities.

I wonder what a study of animal behavior might find. Perhaps it is nature.

An act of god

[Removed by Reddit]

Comments here seem oddly specific…. did something happen?

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